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My first MP loaf-


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I think it classifys as a swirl, lol... that's what I was going for but came up half swirl / half layer? I did not use a full pound of soap since I was just experimenting, which is part of the problem far as that goes though. First try - it'll get better. I like a challenge!:D Can you guess the scent?

Lol- Irish Spring of course!:rolleyes2 Can ya help me out and let me know if the pic attatched? Thanks all!

ETA: well crud, sorry all, lol.. I can't get it. Got excited and didn't read up on this part, lol. I'll be back!:o

<phew> I did it, don't know how EXACTLY, but it worked.


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Thanks for the vote of confidence everyone...I do like it myself. I find MP swirls to be mesmerizing! I just wish it didn't have such a pronounced white layer... but ohhhh well. Lol. My next experiment will be to color the white and see if it muddys up or stays. :smiley2: Thanks again.

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Hi all- Thanks again so much for all the nice comments. How did I do it? Lol... can I just say beginner's luck? I don't sell anything and it will be a looong time before and IF I do, lol... But I know there are others here who do and have worked very hard to perfect their trade secret. So out of respect for them I only feel comfortable telling ya some basic stuff that you'd probably figure out by simple experimentation anyhow.. for instance... I used a white base rather than whitening a clear base. Obviously, you have to let the first layer cool a bit. That nice green...lol, it's about 8 drops blue & 10 yellow of liquid soap dye from Michaels...(mostly a guess as I hate to measure anything but I tired to count and just adjusted it to pref) that I added to clear base. The Irish Spring FO was out of the classy's from a very sweet lady you all might have heard of (maybe;) )named Bunny. :D It's is really wonderful! I think maybe not exact, but close enough! The mold was a GoodWill find. I think it is just an older metal loaf pan that you might make gift sized Bananna bread in. I sprayed it with cooking spray first. I don't know if that helped or not. It didn't act like it was going to come out easily, and I was about to have a kanipshin...so I put it in the freezer and it still didn't act like it was going to give. But fortunately the loaf pan is thin enough that it has some flex and all I had to do was realize this and flex it this way and that to get it out. I also made some little life saver soaps... but, lol...they are STILL in their mold,:cry2: lol.

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WOW, you should be VERY proud of those M&P swirls, like PA said, they are hard to do-ask me how I know!! ;)

Perfect for that scent, and I actually like the white layer, it's not a definite layer because of the swirlies which makes it look GREAT IMO. :)

:thumbsup: for sure!!!!! :D

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Thank you so much Michi and all- I want to go gung ho and do more more more- but I'm actually afraid it was a fluke, lol. All this praise and now what happens if it was beginners luck, and I can not do it again to save my life??!!!??? :undecided Lmaoo.

It's silly I know:o - but I do have to be very cautious with my supplies as I home school and only hubby works. So you know- I don't want to make mud, lol. My intent was to make this stuff as Christmas gifts just to get my feet wet and get some practice. And I have a huuuuuuuge family, lol. But I find myself wanting to just hand these out to anyone who happens by... cuz it's fun to share! At this rate I won't have any thing to give, lol. Guess I better take a chance on making mud!?:D

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