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Stearic in Lip Balm

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I don't have the time to research it right at this moment, so I thought I would ask quickly here. I changed my recipe around a bit and it is too soft. Actually, I didn't have enough beeswax, so I used what I had and added the rest in with soy wax. Can I add a bit of stearic to harden it up? The only other harder oil I have is PKO.

Any ideas would help!



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Isn't stearic made from veggies?? At least that's what I thought since mine is called vegetable stearic acid. :confused:

I've never made lip balms though, but wondering why it would be "yuck" in there at a small amount just to firm up what you've already made???

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Isn't stearic made from veggies?? At least that's what I thought since mine is called vegetable stearic acid. :confused:

I've never made lip balms though, but wondering why it would be "yuck" in there at a small amount just to firm up what you've already made???

Well, Michi, I try to keep my balms natural and the thought of putting stearic and soywax on my lips was unappealing. :sad2:

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