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Do anyone know how to make polka dot candles

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I think there are a couple of ways to make these. I'm assuming you mean pillars. Years ago I made some that I called Caliope. I took a plain white pillar & dotted on beeswax with the end of a paint brush. After these dried, I overdipped the pillar in clear wax. I still have one, but over the years the dyes have kinda bled into the wax. The other way might be to make circles using a cookie cutter. Dip these in hot water til they are flexible, then put them on the inside of the pillar mold. It's not easy getting these to stick to the inside without falling off, but I've done it with other shapes.

Pam R

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You can make a light or white pillar, then overdip in a darker color. Use a heated cookie cutter to cut out a shape, rocking the cutter back and forth.

You should end up with a two toned pillar with depth and texture. The cutouts will really glow!


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