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I am so nervous about my first show. I am doing it in conjunction with my Mom's group and am splitting the profits as well as the cost of the table. I sell lotion bars and have made little roses (about .2 oz) for samples. Should I just put the samples out in bowls (separated by scent) for people to take? Or should I package them in tiny zipper bags with my card?

I can't beleive how nervous I am--my heart is thumping even as I type this!!

Any advice on how to display/give out samples?

My bars are packaged in clear bags, so customers will be able to see them, but I want them to smell and feel them also.

Sorry for rambling....any advice is appreciated.

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Definatly put the samples in zip lock baggies and business card...that's very professional and all. put them in pretty wicker basket on the table.

don't be nervous...make sure you interact with ppl who comes to your tables.

also when I did a show, i had a bottle that i would ask ppl if they'd like to sample it, rub it in their hands...it always brings in sales.



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Mocha... I'd definitely put samples out in a bowl and hand them out IF they do something for me.....

My friend helped me yesterday (while my mother split cost & sold her candles). Myfriend stood with the wicker basket of samples and asked if anyone would like to sign up for a free gift. There were a lot of people interested in freebies so it all worked out. Now I have a hefty mailing list.

I'm going to post pictures in a few and I will let everyone know of my experience.

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