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I'm finally getting around to ordering some of the black african soap from Agbanga and was wondering if I buy this in the 5# bulk is it something I can melt down and pour into my molds? Is there anything else I would have to add to this? The mold I have has 9 cavity's (4oz each) so I'm wondering if I do this will it come out of the mold OK with out crumbling or breaking on me? This will be my first time useing this so if anyone can think of some tips for me on this that would be awesome.

TIA Cindy/WI

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Thanks Carrie,

I must be missing it b/c I've been doing search's all morning b/f I asked and really havn't come up with any answers to my questioned. I'll keep searching! lol


There was a thread about the ABS a while ago. People talked about what the did with it, how they melted it etc. You might want to look for that thread.
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here is one thread, i think there may be one more with the same type of info in it. mostly people just crumble it up and add it to their normal soap recipe. you may just go ahead and try it out your way. i wouldnt add anything to it when you melt it down, it sounds like when you do, it may turn to goo and not re-harden???


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