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Super Thick Lotion Base


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I have been using Sweet Cakes's lotion (cream) base and it is awesome..only downfall is it requires Polysorbate 20. I can't stand the smell or feel of the Polysorbate 20 in my lotion..my customers say that the lotion "tastes" terrible, if they happen to get any on their mouth or lips. I have also purchased some super creamy rich lotion(cream) base off of the classy from MMS. This lotion(cream) was just as nice as SC's, did not require adding Polysorbate 20, but it has a "musty" smell to it. Here is my question.. First, has anyone tried MMS before and noticed this smell? Second, any other recommendations on Super thick and creamy lotion base that does not require Polysorbate 20? I appreciate any help!


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Are you using Polysorbate 20 as a preservative? If so I have a friend who uses natural Vitamin E oil. She says she doesn't have musty or moldy problems with her products. There are even many stores in our area who sell her products. I, myself, have never tried the Vitamin E oil. HTH

I have been using Sweet Cakes's lotion (cream) base and it is awesome..only downfall is it requires Polysorbate 20. I can't stand the smell or feel of the Polysorbate 20 in my lotion..my customers say that the lotion "tastes" terrible, if they happen to get any on their mouth or lips. I have also purchased some super creamy rich lotion(cream) base off of the classy from MMS. This lotion(cream) was just as nice as SC's, did not require adding Polysorbate 20, but it has a "musty" smell to it. Here is my question.. First, has anyone tried MMS before and noticed this smell? Second, any other recommendations on Super thick and creamy lotion base that does not require Polysorbate 20? I appreciate any help!


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