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Very Odd Candle Request


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I have a lady that wants an Ajax with Bleach scented candle, lol.

So I smelled mine and it smells like lemon and bleach.

Since I do have a lemon that smells like cleaner, I gave her a sample of that but she wants it to smell exactly like Ajax with bleach the powder cleaner.

Is there something similar to anything like that ??? lol. Or maybe a bleach FO??

She owns her own cleaning business, and I guess she uses alot of this type of cleaner and would like a candle that smells like it.

Sorry guys I'm at a loss with this request and thought I would ask.


Mindy :confused:

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Maybe she wants to burn the candle so she doesen't have to do much work. Like burn the candle to scam the client into thinking she did clean, when she didn't & still get paid. Who knows, she might be tring to be a new con artist.

LOL....that could be true...never know!

That is a strange scent to want in a candle! umm....I'm trying to think what ajax smells like...now bleach...no way would I wanna smell that....make my sick when I clean to much with it. What about offering her a pine & lemon scent...lol...

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I know I'm in the minority here, but I love the smell of bleach...The request is funny to me because I'm always telling my husband that I'd like to find a bleach FO for candles in my own home...I've not found it yet though so sorry I can't really help!

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I just scrubbed my tub out with the cleaner to see what else I could smell, and all I could smell was bleach, lol. But out of the container I can smell lemon.

I'm just going to tell her there is no such thing, but if she wants I can make a pinesol scent for her. I have the perfect pine and lemon to do that kind of candle.

I've had request for pinsol, and that orange cleaning stuff before, maybe I should add a line of cleaning product scents to my list.

I shouldn't say much, I actually want to try the FO that smells like Murphys oil soap, lol. It reminds me of a clean home.


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I know I'm in the minority here, but I love the smell of bleach...The request is funny to me because I'm always telling my husband that I'd like to find a bleach FO for candles in my own home...I've not found it yet though so sorry I can't really help!

That's not odd or strange, to me. I like the clean smell of Rubbing Alcohol, and wish I could find that FO scent.

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