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Peppermint and PINE...OMW...it's killin' me!!!


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I just got done pouring this scent (for the second time) mixed with cranberry spice and I think I'm going to be sick! Is it worth it to continue testing a "pine-type" scent? Do customers buy pine scents??? Seems like the pine is overtaking everything else in the mix (peppermint, pine and cranberry spice)...yikes!

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Well I have problems with some scents.Pine is so so but honestly I would never mix it with anything.That is my opinion.I think it is a scent that should be left alone.Kinda like mixing bleach and ammonia but I am not a expert or doctor.Just to me dangerous.Now maybe and only maybe a pure vanilla.I did get bayberry orders this year and it is a mild piney scent.It was fine but mixing I see no need to.That is what my customers wanted.

Even peppermint.It should be left alone IMO but with the aromatherapy I am sure people mix it.Still maybe a vanilla.I just poured strawberries and bananas and fine.Also apples and peaches(really a strong mix).These were to me safer scents and were already mixed but I am debating on the apples and peaches mix again(will test my tarts).I watch very carefully.And definetly not clove with anything but vanilla to calm it down.That scent, hot buttered rum and cinammon stix are to me never going to be mixed with much of anything.They are to me potent enough.

I think we candlemakers should be careful.We might think things are OK to mix but if we aren't careful it might be dangerous.I am not sure about you but no one has ever come to me and said I want a mix of this and that together?I think it would be a awesome scent?I did do the vanilla and cinammon stix and it is fine but that vanilla stands out above the cinammon and I felt safe with that.

So with your pine(to me a earthy scent) and a spiced scent that would be a no no.Follow your instincts.Remember if you sold that candle it could really make someone sick.Personally if I was A customer I would not buy it.I just want you to be careful and careful on what you sell.


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No, it's not dangerous (lol)...it's just stinky (to me anyway). A bulk of my business is mixing scents (double scents...one chunks...one overpour). I think what my main question was do people really want a pine-type scent. Good Lord...I wouldn't sell something if it was going to make someone sick LOL.

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I am not saying it is bad for everyone but I know that some people cannot be around some scents.Even some candlemakers say that clove bothers them other say other scents bother them and make them sick so for them I am sure they would not want to mix it with something.I would mix vanillas with about anything but for clove and others I would watch what I would choose to mix with it.

If I have a hard time breathing, getting sick, eyes water and other things that can happen when making a candle then I would not want to sell that candle to someone else.I wouldn't knowing it bothered me.Wouldn't be right if a person comes back and said "This candle made me sick".

I would not say dangerous but for me I will be a little more of a conservative candlemaker.I find most of my candles are good without all the mixing but I am starting chunks and will do alot of scents with vanillas.I would mix chocolate and marshmellow and will mix alot but these really really powerful ones I want to do what is safe for me and be a little more conservative.My husband never has problems breathing alot of chemicals but I will say some of these scents get to him without mixing.So we try to stay away from them.

Won't carry them.

If you mix and never have problems it is fine.I have no problem with anyone mixing whatever they want.I am willing to bet eventually a candlemaker will find one that makes them sick and just didn't mix as well with a scent they thought it would.Like Bizzy B said it made her sick but not her husband.It was also her second time but for some reason the pine scent became overpowering stood out and made her sick.IMO it would be the last time I mix those.


Peppermint and pine must be OK but when you mixed that spicey scent evidentally didn't agree with you.I am sure there will be others down the road that will make you sick etc when you mix.To me that is alot of mixture.

You said the pine became overpowering.My guess those scents did not mix good at all.

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UPDATE: I mixed vanilla in with the peppermint and pine and now it smells MUCH better! It smoothed it out, I think. Thanks for the input everyone...I appreciate it. :) I would like to know, if anyone else sells much pine or if it's kind of a dud seller?

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Bizzy B,

I hate pine and would not have had it this year BUT last year (2005)I didn't have alot of Christmas scents.A lady walks by my craft booth and said any Bayberry(piney).I said NO.So she just walked on. I decided then some Christmas FO's this year.Put the Bayberry on my site and got 8 orders and sold 2 bayberry at shows .So just what you think won't sell does. IMO I will have the bayberry but that full strength pine scent NOT.I brought a Dollar Store pine Candle 8 years ago and thought I would die smelling it.Since then I hate pine.It was definetly a all fuel smell.

Would you believe this year Bayberry was my best seller?????

IMO if you want a pine scent keep it for the Christmas holiday ONLY.I have a request for a Balsam Fir and I she wants it for anytime.I haven't talked to her for a while but wanted a true pine.I got this true pine scent from the BOARD.I will leave the pine for REQUEST only and Bayberry for Christmas.Reminds me I need to take it off my site and some others too.Want to think SPRING now.


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Becky ~ I have carried two types of pine scents and most of my customers prefer the pine scents that are a mixture with something else. Just regular straight pine fragrance is too overpowering for me (makes me want to gag).

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What you like or dislike isn't always what the next person likes or dislikes. I don't like Pine at all but have requests for it every year. I think your business would be pretty limited if you just poured what you like. Everyone reacts differently to scents. Just because it happened to make you sick doesn't mean it will make the next person sick.

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I sell a ton of pine around Christmas! I have peppermint pine, straight pine, spiced balsam and pine and citrus. The straight pine is the best seller followed by the pep pine, spiced balsam and then the citrus one. Luckily I don't have an aversion to it. Nag Champa on the other hand....HURL! (we really need a puking icon!)

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If no-one ever tried mixing fragrances there would never have been a perfume industry.

Kymber, I totally agree with you, it sometimes happens that the things we like the least are what other people like the most.

I've had several fragrances which I really don't like but customers have done so I keep a small amount in stock.

Also I don't yet sell online so my customers usually get to smell the candles before buying so if they don't like the fragrance they don't buy.

Can't wait for scratch & sniff screens.


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