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Display setup ideas needed.

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I got mine from here


Cardboard Risers - 2 & 3 Steps $19.95 Box of 5

I love them. Easy to make after u make it the first time. Easy to make and take down. Very sturdy. I put 2 side-by-side and they hold 40 candles like that (non-squished).

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Warning: This is a LOUSY photo. Camera doesn't do well indoors. And I wasn't finished setting up for this show yet when the pic was taken. For example, I put a red table skirt on that table with my banner, and cleaned up that cluttered table. LOL

But you can get some ideas here. I use wooden crates from Michael's, wooden shelving units, and wooden display risers that my ds and dad made for me. If you look hard and squint you can kind of see them here. LOL Some of the homemade risers are covered with white cloth; the wooden ones I use without covers are barely visible on the right.


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Hey Hub ... Gershel's is the place. Check that site out. For as much setting up and tearing down that we do, they hold up really well. We put cloth over them too.

Ideas for raising stuff on your table ... there are smaller displays. Something we tried once (and I will admit worked -- a year later shhh) is we used baskets turned upside down. Covered with cloth. Again, I have no pictures to share of that though.

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