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wick issues

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I have come to the conclusion that I am wick impaired. I don't know what the deal is, but it doesn't matter what wax, FO, or wick, I get no hot throw whatsoever. I currently have KY Perfect Blend in an 8oz square mason jar with a 51-32-18z wick scented with dreamsicle. Anyway, it's been a couple of hours and I have a full meltpool, of course I filled it up to where the bottom of the rings where the lid screws on. Anyway, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I do have 44z wicks and some 60 that I think are cotton. Should I try a different wick?


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Keep testing til you get to the square part- it takes longer to burn by far than the upper circular area!

Oh, wait, you're having a HT problem... thought you were talking MP lolol... I should learn to read the whole thing... I know that I don't do as well with zincs and veggie wax, but I haven't used your wax either.


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Thanks. I do have some other wicks to test before I order more. I have some CDs and a bigger size cotton wick. I guess I'll order some more Friday and see how it goes. It burns really pretty, just no scent throw! lol


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