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Lavender Rebatched


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I made this using Wildangels recipe but tweaked it a little. I added 1 tbsp. sugar pp of oils, tussah silk. I didn't have RBO so I used Soybean and cut down a little on the OO. I can't wait to see how it turns out.

The lavender soap I made turned out a dark ugly brown and was so strong I couldn't stand so I shredded it up and added it to this batch and added just a little lavender fo. It smells good now. My purple kind of turned more of a blueish color but I'm hoping that it will turn back to more of a lavender. Thanks for looking.


I have to find a place to take these without having too much light or a shadow. I'm not a photographer by any means lmao. Off to make more soap and back to Michaels to get a couple more of these boxes. They are great. It's a decoupage box and it measures 12x12 $5.99 or $6.99 each can't remember for sure.

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