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Recipe check please..


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My oils just arrived!!!!:yay::yay::yay::bliss: :bliss: :whoohoo: :whoohoo:

Ok lets calm down here!!:whistle:

My plunge is this afternoon.!!! gulp!! :tiptoe: :laugh2:

I've been playing with a recipe, taken from a book that I have. "Crafting Soap"

and I've come up with this. So could you please check and see if it makes any sense??

I've run it through the Soap Calc..

Coconut 12 oz, Lard (instead of palm) 6oz. Castor oil 10 oz. Olive oil 6 oz - instead of 8, Wheat Germ 4 oz. and I've added Shea butter 2 oz.

After running it through the Soap calc. It says water 15.2 oz. and lye 5.623 oz.

I'm going to fragrance with Lavender essential oil, and try a swirl... hmmm I did say try.. :tiptoe:

Does this sound alright for my first batch???

Thanks in advance

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wow that a lot of castor. usual recipes i see with castor are only 5%, but your recipe is 25%. and your coconut is around 30%.

I ran it through the soapcalc and you are going to be getting a ton of bubbles with this bar. However your conditioning numbers look pretty good.

Only one way to know for sure is to make it and use it.

Take the plunge and let us know if its drying or not?

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The original recipe calls for 25% castor and 30 coconut.. but they also specify that this could be a good candidate for rebatching... which I don't want to do this time. This is why I've added the Shea butter..

Would I be better to bring the olive oil back up to 8 oz, and replace 2 oz of castor with the Shea??

I'm soooooooooooooooo excited, and petrified, and my heart is racing.....

so I'll calm down a bit before starting anything!!:laugh2:

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Well.. it's in bed! Now the anxious wait begins to see if I did it right or not! :tiptoe: :confused:

I used a french lavender EO and I tried to do a swirl using blue F D&C colorant.. Yikes.. :shocked2: looks like the blue is not stable, so as you can see it came out an olive green almost... Eeeeeeek!!!

I've ordered in some samples of ultramarines and oxides, so I guess for swirling I'd be better with that!

I'm surprised at the general colour though, as I thought it would have been a bit lighter!! Unless it will change once it dries????

Hopefully it turns out ok!! I'm dying to peek, but I'd better leave it alone as it's not too warm in the house tonight. But I've wrapped in a huge blanket, not too far from the wood stove. I touched the container a few minutes ago, and it's nice and warm and I finished over an hour ago!!

Oh... and I did by hand, as I haven't bought a stick blender yet. I want to learn to get trace right first..

I'm open to any comments!!! Good or bad... I have to learn!!


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Looks nice. I hope it comes out of the dish ok for you. It would have been easier if you lined it. As far as the color it may change as it cures. I do not know if the blue will come out it may become a pinkish or grayish when done. You really won't know until it finishes gelling and comes out of the mold for a day or 2. But it looks nice and creamy. It is so exciting when you make it for the first time. But no matter how many you make it still feels great. I love having this addiction. Always something to try, always new recipes, fo's colorants and additives!!!

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I was going to line it...then as I was checking another Soapmaker book, she said not to line a plastic container because of wrinkles!!

If it sets up ok, push comes to shove I'll cut it out!!:laugh2:

One thing that gets me though, is according to that recipe, this was supposed to come out a light yellow!!!!!!! And even that I exchanged the lard for the palm oil... lard is white. The wheat germ is fairly dark though...

I'm already checking out another recipe... oh heck... another addiction!!! :yay:

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One thing that gets me though, is according to that recipe, this was supposed to come out a light yellow!!!!!!! And even that I exchanged the lard for the palm oil... lard is white. The wheat germ is fairly dark though...

Is your olive oil dark in color? That will give it a tint too. I find that the darker the olive oil the darker the soap will be.

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Looks good. If it goes through gel it should come out fine - if not you will have to give it several days before unmolding and it'll still probably be fine! The joy of flexible plastic!

The color will shift during the saponification most likely - but every new batch is an experiment! Especially with colorants! The color could come back. As for the background color - we shall see!

I'm really happy for you! Welcome to the obsession!!

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Is your olive oil dark in color? That will give it a tint too. I find that the darker the olive oil the darker the soap will be.

Nope... it is extra light olive oil!!

I do have a question though... how long does this have to stay warm???

Do I leave the blankets around it overnight??

ETA: I just peeked and it is really quite warm.... how warm is too warm??

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I like to leave it all wrapped up all night.

Too warm? Cannot tell without looking - signs of overheating include sweating, swelling, and cracking. Gelling is indicated by a darker color that can be somewhat translucent.

Don't worry about any of it yet - it takes experimenting to find out how much you have to insulate and you have to start somewhere. So just let it go for tonight as it is. Tomorrow it will probably be room temp and nice and firm.

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Well I just peeked!! Quick like!!!:D

It is definately getting darker, and I think it was too warm as it seemed to be sweating a bit. I wanted to take a quick pic but my friggin camera was refusing to focus, and I didn't want to leave it uncovered too long.

But the whole thing has gotten wayyyyyyyyyyyyy dark brown... It's just the edge (about 1" wide all around) that is yellow now...

I've covered it back up, and I won't peek anymore....promise!!! :yes: More pics tomorrow morning!!

Thanks for taking me through this first baby step!! I reallllllllly do appreciate it!!:highfive: The first wait is really long though!!!:waiting: But I'll make it!!!

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Well I had to peek again :lipsrseal darn this is hard!! :laugh2: Now the whole thing is dark brown!! And I lightened up on the covers too. Course the wood stove is heating a plenty tonight too!! Now it's too hot in the house!! :rolleyes2

I had wheat germ in my first post... :) Actually that's the colour the whole thing has become!! So much for my "swirl"!! :grin2: This is truly quite the surprise night anyways!! It is fun though!!!

Can't wait to see it in the morning..

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