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Silicone strife

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I've found that silicone is the best way of securing the wick tabs to my containers. However when I want to re-use them that's another matter. The only way that I've found that sort of works is to put the glasses on a hotplate . Eventually the silly stuff loses it's grip, this is normally at the point where it's smoking. Last time I did this after the stuff had released it's grip I put the glass on another hotplate that wasn't hot and the glass self destructed.:(

I know that there is a silicone solvent and maybe this is the answer but has anyone a better idea. BTW I'd prefer not to dump the containers, just in case that is a suggestion.:grin2:


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Thanks all for your responses. I don't think they sell Goo Gone in the UK. I have tried to prise them off with a knife,spoon, pliers etc. Some move, most don't.

I went to our local DIY sore and bought a tube of silicone remover. Silly price = $15 but only needs a little drop and it does work.


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