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Hi Inez

if you have a pre-made base certified in the USA, it must be tested and certified against European Legislation. I'd love to buy some of the wonderful soaps that people here make to sell on my website, but they would all have to be certified as safe to European Standards and that costs a lot. You're better buying base in Europe - but then if you add anything to the base, you then need it re-certified. Even if you use certified base, certified fragrance and certified botanicals or colour - as soon as you add those ingredients together, the END product needs to be certified. A real pain really.


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Hi Nat,

thanks for your answer - I've supposed it would be so, but now I have certainty:sad2:

I just got samples from Snowdrft Farm's Alba Lotion, really fabulous stuff... too bad that I cannot sell it here. I wouldn't care if I had to certify my formulations but you are right: it costs hell (one lady on another board talked about thousands of Euros:tongue2:).

Good night,


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I agree totally with Nat. Buy a base in Europe, then you know it adheres to European Regs, etc. My Cosmetic Chemist certifies all my products for sale in Europe but not the US - many products made outside of Europe have to be certified for use in Europe. Even then, you'll still need the end product re-certified if you add anything to it.


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