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Need major help with marketing to a major company

Guest EMercier

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Guest EMercier

OK, I've been asked and encouraged several times to go to QVC and market my products. Well, the time has come and I'm going to their facility for an event to market to them. I really want them to buy from me. I could really use the wholesale account with them. I'm marketing an elegant line to them. I need help on putting something together for them. I want to take at least three different variations to them. Right now I'm lost at how to present myself. I never had an issue with talking to people or in front of people, but I'm wondering what I should put in my folder to them. I know I'll introduce myself and talk about how long I've been doing this and the benefits of soy and such. I also will list the FO's and EO's available to them as well as lead time. I will also have a nice flyer that has pictures on it. What else am I missing?

Thanks so much, this means a lot to me to go there. I'm nervous. I really want this account. I'm still going to try others, but this is the supreme dream.

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Are you prepared to deal with a HUGE volume of orders? Are you currently using a manufacturing facility to produce your items? If QVC tells you you need to have 20,000 units of one item available before they can do business with you are you in a position to deal with that? Be prepared to tell them the volume you can handle and how quickly you can manufacture the product if it should sell out.

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Guest EMercier
Are you prepared to deal with a HUGE volume of orders? Are you currently using a manufacturing facility to produce your items? If QVC tells you you need to have 20,000 units of one item available before they can do business with you are you in a position to deal with that? Be prepared to tell them the volume you can handle and how quickly you can manufacture the product if it should sell out.

To answer your question yes. You have 90 days and I don't need a facitlity and if needs be (like they want a whole lot more), then they can help you locate one. I simply came here to ask for information on how to present myself to make sure I have that covered.

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Don't be discouraged by comments. :angry2:

Did you ever watch the show on A&E called Blow Out? It was with Jonathan Anton a celebrity hair stylist. It showed him preparing for his meeting with QVC, and HE was nervous.

Do you have any friends who deal with marketing? I've never been in marketing, but what you have sounds like it's all lining up for you. I have a friend who works at QVC, but in the back, I can ask him for tips for you. I would suggest being prepared to make your television sales pitch, just in case (as a test run). What a fabulous opportunity!!!

Run with it!!!

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There was a show (maybe 20/20 or Dateline) that examined how QVC goes about selecting what products it chooses during these events. One of the things it judges is the person himself. How interesting is the person? How dynamic will they be on tv? You need to have an interesting story about yourself--be unique.

What prompted you to start making your products? Was there anything in your background that prepared you with specific knowledge for how to go about it? Did you face any special challenges to establish your business or create your products?

How long has it taken you to perfect your products? Is there a special ingredient or technique that sets your product apart from the others?

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Guest EMercier
There was a show (maybe 20/20 or Dateline) that examined how QVC goes about selecting what products it chooses during these events. One of the things it judges is the person himself. How interesting is the person? How dynamic will they be on tv? You need to have an interesting story about yourself--be unique.

What prompted you to start making your products? Was there anything in your background that prepared you with specific knowledge for how to go about it? Did you face any special challenges to establish your business or create your products?

How long has it taken you to perfect your products? Is there a special ingredient or technique that sets your product apart from the others?

That's what I'm looking for! I've putting down all these comments to help me. I really thank you guys for this. I never thought about them judging me. I don't that will be a problem as I can think fast on my toes. I was asked once during an interview to sell them something. They must've liked my paper clip pitch as they immediately sent me to the next person for an interview and I got the job. I was going to be in telemarketing for what used to be MBNA (now Bank of America).

I'm actually not practicing marketing, but my undergrad degree is in Business Communications and I'm currently attending grad from Communication Arts. I have the Marketing thing down for the most part. I've helped a few here and there to market.

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Very exciting...keep us posted. You might have to develop a "tv personality" that is different from your business and every day persona.

If you need someone to "run it past" I'm in DE, about 20 minutes from Philly, I'd be happy to help you, if you need it...you know, an unbiased opinion.

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I would really, try to contact the SBA in your area and see if you can hook up with someone who was in PR that is retired, they will help for free. Good Luck with all of this.. There may be someone in your area that deals with PR maybe make an intitial appt. with them for some help. Sounds very scary and very exciting.

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I have a collegue that was contacted by QVC, and they sat down and everything with them. They had to have so many units in stock and you had to buy back what didn't sell, plus you had to take back any returned items. You had to provide packaging as well. They wanted to be able to sell them at his wholesale price. It was more of a hassle for him and he wasn't going to make any money. They are very price driven. He thought it was a great deal at first, but walked away. Just make sure you get everything in writing and be prepared first, and be able to take rejection, or acceptance, and make sure you can do it too!

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Guest EMercier
I have a collegue that was contacted by QVC, and they sat down and everything with them. They had to have so many units in stock and you had to buy back what didn't sell, plus you had to take back any returned items. You had to provide packaging as well. They wanted to be able to sell them at his wholesale price. It was more of a hassle for him and he wasn't going to make any money. They are very price driven. He thought it was a great deal at first, but walked away. Just make sure you get everything in writing and be prepared first, and be able to take rejection, or acceptance, and make sure you can do it too!

I did hear that as well that they want you to buy back stuff. When I went to SCORE I told them I was thinking about it and they warned me on that. They also said they would sit down with me and look over the contract. If at all possible there are a few others I'm tapping into. I'm just wanting to see what can happen. I would like to see what happens, if not I'm fine with that. I can't say that I never tried. I always get stuff in writing. I never sign anything that I don't understand and I always look for loopholes. I doubt if I have returns, never had one returned yet, but never say never right?

I appreciate all the well wishes.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest EMercier

Although I was there March 8th (so long ago it feels), I won't hear anything back until April 27th. I don't know why it takes sooooo long. Even if I get the min amount, that's 1,818 candles I'm happy with that. Thanks for asking.

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