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My latest attempts....

Mostly Lurkin

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I am a terrible photographer - and add to the problem I can't find the digital camera! The 2 latest soaps that actually didn't, seize - rice - refuse to harden - morph or near boil itself. Yuppers - pretty much anything listed on the 'What can go wrong' list - I have achieved it & with next to no effort of my own!

Both soaps are a Mango butter base. Thanks to tips from all of you (thank you) I was able to get a bubbly, creamy & conditioning bar!

The 1st soap was actually a request ( I have been doing M&P for some time now) and dared CP this! It's scented in Ocean Rain from BB, the sand dollars were picked for me by the requestor (she lives in 'The Cape). I am calling them Cape Cod surf. Hard to tell from the pics I know, I'm sorry - but it's an off-white base with black, teal & blue. CapeCodSurf.jpg

The 2nd soap is at my brothers request - it's Axe Phoenix.AxePhoenix.jpg

I have just tucked in an Almond Armaretto Latte shea butter soap - will take pics in a bit.

Thanks for looking - input is welcomed.

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Lol.... man I was squinting looking for those sand dollars in the phoenix soap! Lol.. I think it's snack time. As you can see, I can't see the first pic either so you are not alone LindaColo and I am not blind, lol. :D

I do love watery/stormy/moody looking soaps like that! I think it's a beautiful look.

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Sorry about the disappearing pic. I took a better one then couldn't edit my post. :embarasse

The sand dollars were hand picked for me off the sandy beaches of well...Cape Cod. I didn't embed the sand dollars soon enough - so though they look like they are just sitting on the soap, they are holding on pretty well, just not as deep as I hoped for.


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