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Calling all knitters...can you help?

beau's mama

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I was browsing Ebay and came across these cute little soap sacks...seems great, but they were all made from either nylon, mesh or sisel or some other scrubby stuff. I was wondering if any of you knit these ...maybe using chenelle (sp?) fabric? :undecided I did find some made from terry cloth...but they were 7 bucks + shipping...I could just sew together the ends of our wash cloths if that's what I wanted LOL

I crochet a little, but can't knit at all...just wondering if any of you have knitted w/ chenille before and/or made these...maybe we could work something out (?)


ETA: Just thought I'd add I don't like using those nylon poofie things...they are gross to me!

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I knit but not them....I would think chenille would be too soft & I've always found it loses the little threads & goes bald after a while.

If you have a yarn store nearby maybe they have something which you could use thats a bit stronger/ rougher texture.

I'm sure you could crochet something which would be just as good.


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I knit but not them....I would think chenille would be too soft & I've always found it loses the little threads & goes bald after a while.

If you have a yarn store nearby maybe they have something which you could use thats a bit stronger/ rougher texture.

I'm sure you could crochet something which would be just as good.


Saaaaaaaallllly...I don't want to do it myself :cry2: (pouting like a 2 yr old) I love the way chenille feels...the softness of it all.

I suppose, though, if I'm forced to do it myself, I could stop by JoAnn's & fondle the yarn...but I will hold all of you responsible if I come out of there with anything more than some yarn & a new needle! :P

I'm not safe or stable in kitchen appliance departments or crafting supply stores LOL



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Chenille is really tricky to knit. It doesn't have any 'give' so unless you keep your stitches squished up you'll end up with a lot of uneveness.

The cotton dishcloth yarn, Sugar & Cream or Bernat Handicrafter is great and comes in lots of colours. Just knit every row and you'll get a nice texture.

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I agree, the chenille is not a good idea, and probably wouldn't hold up well. Since you only crochet, get some of the dishcloth cotton, crochet a tube wide enough to hold your soap +a bit, add an extra 1.5" in length to allow for the drawstring, and you're all set. Don't forget to sew up the bottom. You could likely make one in no time. If it doesn't work out, open it up and try again.

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My MIL crochets little scouring pad (circles) out of tulle-that may be too scrubby for the skin though.

I can't wait to see what you come up with! :)

My Grandma makes those, also (as least she used to, I think she's over doing them now) - they make awesome potato scrubbers!

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