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Store Front ?'s


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I found a small retail place for rent. It is 600 sq ft and the price is cheap. Especially being that it includes heat, water and electric.

I have called my insurance company to find out what renters insurance and liablity insurance would be for this place.

What other things should I check into before I jump in with both feet?

The rent is month to month, If the furnance breaks the gentlemen that is renting the space to me will fix it because the furnance heats his store too and it is in his store.

I Know that I have enough stock to stock this store with out it being too cluddered.

But I know that there are things that I am not seeing and I need for them to be pointed out to me.

Oh yeah, this place is newly remodeled.

Any pointers or suggestions would be great.

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where we are we have to get special permits for signage. They have to be approved by the city nad hva eto be placed so high up. It was a waste of mony but we had to get the permit. Also a certificate of occupancy is needed and if you put certain types of shelving you need to have that signed off as well. At least we do here. And Im sure that Im missing some things but they are not coming to me right now.

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Check with utility companies to find out what average bills will be. If you have large glass windows around your store you might be surprised at heat bills.

What is the foot traffic like around the area? Is there ample parking?

Well, the electric and the heat are included in the rent and so is the water.

Foot traffic is high because it is on the main street. Their is parking in the front of the store and the rear so parking isn't that much of an issue.The store front is right next door to the court house and a interior desgn store. They sell paints, floor covering, window treatments and furniture. This is the guy that owns the building so maybe he would even let me put some of my stuff in his store too.(Double the foot traffic.)

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where we are we have to get special permits for signage. They have to be approved by the city nad hva eto be placed so high up. It was a waste of mony but we had to get the permit. Also a certificate of occupancy is needed and if you put certain types of shelving you need to have that signed off as well. At least we do here. And Im sure that Im missing some things but they are not coming to me right now.

I will have to check on this after I tour the space. Thanks, I never even thought about that.

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Our main street is on the waterfront. The sign regulations and permit costs are incredibly high. I know of 2 businesses who fought and fought over approvals and ended up out of business before it was over. The permit costs and regulations are ridiculous even away from the waterfront and the main street.

The business license fees for in the city limits are also high. My wonderful lawn service quit me because of the increase in fees. He said he would just have to have a county license and not take any in town clients.

I live right in town in the "historical" district. My house is dirty because I haven't bought the permit to vacuum or paid the fees for a chemical permit to use cleansers..jk (It's almost that bad here):eek:

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Write a business plan, you'll be glad you did.

I'm thinking you'll need....furniture/counters to display your inventory...shopping bags...cash register...a business checking account.

Ooooh this is fun, I wish it was my shop!!! I wish you so much good luck with it.

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I am still waiting on some numbers before I decide what I want to do. Right now I work out of my house and I do pretty well. I really don't know if I want the extra over head plus I kind of like working in my jammies. But this is something that I have wanted for some time so I am going to write my business plan but I need to get an idea of the hidden cost that I am not thinking of. I know that there are people here that opened a store and found that there was a lot of things that they didn't think of.

I realize that it is going to be a lot of work and I maybe eating a lot of mac & cheese and hot dogs for sometime until I can get everything up and running smoothly. I have thought about this and I know that this is something that I really want to do. I am a people person and I miss working with the public.

I am thinking about this from every angle because I really don't want to jump in and run out of month in 3 months. This is way I am trying to figure out the hidden things.

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Leases are not only good for the landlord, they are also good for the tenant. A month to month lease means he can kick you out if he finds a better tenant.
I was thinking about this last night. I would want some sort of lease because he could kick me out at anytime and there I would be with all my stuff and no where to go.

My husband and I were thinking about building or shop at our house. We live right on the main road about 6 miles from town. There is a store just down the road from us and a camp ground too. So I am thinking more towards this way and I am going to check into this too. I would have to check the zoning regulations on something like this.

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Also consider who will be the one at the store all the time... and if it is you when and WHERE will you be doing the crafting to supply the store? Is there an area that will allow you to do this in the down time?

Maybe make sure there is ample lighting outside as well as inside, ventilation( or ac)... nothing worse than being in a hot stuffy store all day!

I think next door to a home interior place is quite lucky! The same people that would go there might just want to stop in for some accessories!:D

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I checked out the place today. Hubby and I had to go to town because we needed gas for the generator and other supplies. I didn't take a tour but I looked at it when we went by.

The retail space is in the basement! Not what I want because it isn't handicap accessable and what about when the power goes out or we have a lot of rain? I am in a very low spot so I think that there would be some serious damage if it did happen. Plus there is no windows. I can't stand being with out a window.

So I guess I will keep looking.

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Yuck, you definitely don't want anything with stairs anyway. Many people will refuse to go up or down a flight.

This is exactly what I thought. Plus, being in Michigan with snowy, icey weather hits. Stairs could cause a huge problem.

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