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What do you use for your lotion bottles?


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I am looking for something with at least 4-6 oz. possibly 8 oz. that either has a pump or flip top. I would like something clear so the colors of my lotion come through.

I am currently using the pyramid bottles with the pump pictured from Kangaroo Blue and while they look nice, they are really hard to put a label on. I don't want anything that needs to be heat sealed-this is for a business, but i'm selling mostly to friends and family and at some craft shows. I would like to keep the cost down as much as possible. Or if you have an easier way of labeling this container? address type ones don't work, and i need to have enough room for the ingredient list.

I've looked at quite a few websites, did a search on here, and haven't come up with anything that is a good alternative.

Also, i am wondering what ideas you have for filling the bottles? I had a suggestion of using a ziploc, then cutting a hole in the bag, but i was wondering if there was an easier way-you go through a lot of baggies that way-i guess i could look for those cheapie ziploc type bags-that would make it cheaper too.

Any tips or helpful advice is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!!



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You could use a hang tag. For the ingredients, you could use a round label on the bottom. For filling, you can get a 6 pack of funnels at Walmart for $3. The six pack consists of 6 different sized plastic funnels. That's what I use. Hope this helps.

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They have clear bottles in 4 and 8 oz size at bayousome.com. They are straight so labelling would be easier than the tapered styled you have. As for filling them, I've been using a funnel. It's not any easier than ziplock bags but at least the funnel is re-useable.

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Thanks for the great ideas so far. I really liked the containers at bayousome.com. they include the pump and for less than $1 each. I will have to redo my label a little-but that's not a problem.

I never thought about a hang tag-i make body glitter that looks great in those-so maybe i'll use a hangtag for when i make those.

right now it's not a huge problem as i am making stuff for family and friends, but i do craft shows here and there and hoping to expand as time goes on.

I've done the funnel thing too. it was just hard with some things that were thicker-like the lotion. One thing that did work better than that was to use a syringe type thing. I just always seem to end up with lotion all over myself!! lol

I made myself one a few days ago that smells like buttercream frosting, yum!!! I'm using a base, so i'm not doing anything special, but people really like the fact that i can make scents that aren't offered in stores. It gives that "personal" feel. They can tell me what scents they like, and i can tell them what scents i have that would work for them.

Thanks again for all the help and advice. keep it coming!!!


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I second that...the seams tear or leak, or the bag starts splitting in streaks or they just have pinholes tear open all over! I highly recommend freezer bags. I thought the generic brand from walmart was best, but in the last few months they have gone to the dogs...thinner, split, won't zip. Target brand was the same as the old walmart style, but my last 2 boxes are getting more like the new walmart duds and have similar problems to a lesser degree. Glad was my third choice, but they will spring pinholes, too, if you aren't careful. I think with rising costs, the manufacturers are going to a thinner, less heavy duty bag (even though prices have gone up) and it sucks. :angry2:

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I didn't realize they were making the bags thinner. I only use them to put sandwiches in (I'm very conventional, hee hee) and so never had a problem with breakage. After hearing about their problems, I guess a funnel isn't so bad after all.

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I've done the funnel thing too. it was just hard with some things that were thicker-like the lotion. One thing that did work better than that was to use a syringe type thing. I just always seem to end up with lotion all over myself!! lol


As far as the syringe type thing...did you use the big one that's normally used when cooking? I have a large one that I use to baste turkey and roast. I bought an extra one in housewares at walmart to use with thicker gels and creams. Seems to work fine and no mess.

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yep, one of those big, oversized ones, hubby had bought for that exact purpose but the needle thing that came with it didn't work right, so i snatched it right up. It is a little tricky to get the lotion, etc. sucked into it, but it is definately much easier to get it in the bottle. The only problem i had is that you couldn't make more than 1 scent at a time unless you have more than 1 of these, because after rinsing it out, you have to let it air dry-it's almost impossible to get all the water out and from what i've read, you don't want any water mixing with your lotion-don't want to cause any mold. so, i may be seeing if i can find any of these cheaper.

funnel is great for the runnier stuff like the shampoo type stuff, but is darn near impossible for the thicker lotions-i use the bases from millcreek and i just love them-btw!!! they are made with soy, and it is the best lotion i have ever tried. it's nice and thick, but is soaked into your skin quickly and leaves it feeling nice and smooth. The lotion does come through the funnel, but very,very slowly. and i don't know about you, but i have better things to do than watch lotion slowly dripping through a funnel, lol!!

so far, my best bet has been the syringe thing.

i did find some better containers, and much cheaper than what i was paying. now just need to wait for the $$$ to order them. why does this "hobby/hopefully business someday" have to be so darn fun and addicting? I can't decide what i like more, making candle type stuff or the bath and body type... so, for now i'm just dabbling in a little bit of everything. my hubby told me i needed to slow down on buying supplies. this coming from a man who has probably $10-20,000 wrapped up in hunting gear, guns, fishing poles, etc. etc.... i just smile and nod my head, lol!!!! if i were to tell him no more fishing poles, hunting stuff etc. he'd just ignore me anyways. plus, it's not like he needs anything else anyways. he can live without it just the same as i can!!

Thanks for all the replies!!!


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I use 8 oz. bullets with a pump for lotions, then use the same bottle but switch to flip-disc caps for bubble baths and shower gels.

The 2X4 waterproof labels work great, but I do have to typeset them sideways to accommodate the tall, skinny bottle.

I also like the bostons w/ a pump for lotion, but they aren't very squeezable for bubble baths & shower gels, so I'd have to switch not only my labels for these bottles, but also to all pumps and no flip-disc caps. Not sure I want to go that route. But the reason I like the boston rounds is that they are easier to fill, IMO.* I use a funnel and jitterbug my lotions into the bottles, but I don't sell tons & tons -- they aren't my focus -- so I can see where wanting to squirt them in might be faster and more efficient.

Still, I've jitterbugged so many lotions through a funnel that I'm actually getting pretty fast at it, I suppose! :grin2:

*Edited to add: The reason I think Bostons are easier to fill is that they don't tip over so easily -- wider base and lower center of gravity. :)

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Thanks for all the replies. I've found a few things i think will work. Thanks for the idea of turning the label vertical-didn't think about that. will have to see if i can figure out how to get that done. That would be much easier!!

Any other ideas are appreciated!!!



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