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Has anyone ordered from Craftlobby.They are having a great sale and I want to change my lotion(mine is way to thick) and body spray(want alcohol free for this). Also want to try the bubble bath at only $10.00 a gallon.Mother's Day is coming up and great for these products.

I want to have another Open House.Real bad weather the last time.Snow and also bitter cold temps. Below 0.


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I tried their cocoa butter lotion and would never buy it again. I haven't tried the other items you mentioned, but I use their dyes all of the time, I've tried a few of their fragrances and found them to be ok, with the exception of one that smelled like petroleum. I also bought herbs and bathbomb supplies from them.

Their shipping used to prevent me from buying from them, but recently it seems they have revamped things and shipping prices are much more reasonable.

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