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Gemlite on ebay


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HI Everyone!! I just have to tell you all about this lady from Gemlite,,I orderd pear and pear berry and OMG they are fantastic!!!! I ended up paying 2 shipping prices instead of a flat rate and I didnt know she had sent them out already, I told her thats okay and that she didnt need to send me anything as I didnt mind paying the shipping BUT she sent me another 1LB of Fancy Floral which ROCKS!!!! I have to say I am Keeping this Supplier as she is A++++++++++ ;)

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Gemlite is either hit or miss. You can't beat the price or shipping for a good one, but the 'off' fo's are really off. I've had great results w/ Citronella, Lemongrass & Lavender Powder -- plus, if you mix them you get an amazing 'bug candle' for the Summer months outside. I do remember Gingerbread being a total miss.


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I agree, Gemlite fragrances are extremely hit and miss. They are the cheapest around but some (and I think it's about 70% of the ones I've tried) are just bad. They smell good OOB but in wax they lose all their strength.

It depends really on what you want - if you want a truly outstanding candle, you won't get it with most of their fragrances, you're much better off buying a quality oil. I have pounds and pounds of oil sitting here from Gemlite that I will not use - including pear berry - it's a very nice fragrance OOB but just has a poor hot and cold throw in soy. Perhaps they're much better in paraffin?

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