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Lesson # 837


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Don't SB in a TOG mold.

I made a batch that just isn't solidifying in the mold, even after an hour in the oven at 170 it's still at thin trace. Worried me, so I took it out to SB it (to heck with the swirl...). First thing was I felt a tug and a little bitta green (mold liner) popped to the surface. Then the whole thing went BURP-SPLAT!!!

Stripped naked in the kitchen, ran to the door, threw it open and screamed to the kids to stay out of the house (still naked) and bolted to the shower. After my shower I cleaned up the kitchen and then took another shower and then let the kids into the house.

My whole neighborhood was outside cause of the lovely weather. DAYUM!!! I have now exposed my itsy bitsy breasts and all to EVERYONE.

Better than lye burns, I guess.

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Yep better than lye burns. And you provided the neighborhood with a cheap thrill. Hopefully you also made some prepubescent boy's day. LOL

minimal thrill, most likely - and now the secret of my foam rubber inserts is out!

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I have no idea what the hell you're talking about...but the visual is hilarious!:laugh2:

Don't SB in a TOG mold.

I made a batch that just isn't solidifying in the mold, even after an hour in the oven at 170 it's still at thin trace. Worried me, so I took it out to SB it (to heck with the swirl...). First thing was I felt a tug and a little bitta green (mold liner) popped to the surface. Then the whole thing went BURP-SPLAT!!!

Stripped naked in the kitchen, ran to the door, threw it open and screamed to the kids to stay out of the house (still naked) and bolted to the shower. After my shower I cleaned up the kitchen and then took another shower and then let the kids into the house.

My whole neighborhood was outside cause of the lovely weather. DAYUM!!! I have now exposed my itsy bitsy breasts and all to EVERYONE.

Better than lye burns, I guess.

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When you said foam inserts I thought you were talking about the mold liner in your TOG mold. Hahahaha Then I figured out what you were talking about...LOL

What are you going to do about the mold liner, Paul is moving?

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What are you going to do about the mold liner, Paul is moving?

It was one of the log bottoms, so I still have the other which is fine. I can wait for Paul. The funky foam I can get here is more coarse or I'd make my own pathetic attempt.

And all is well in my immaculate kitchen. and I suspect I'll be spending a lot of time indoors for a while (lying low) so the rest of my house may be immaculate too! See - an upside to everything!!

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