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Does re-melting require re-curing?

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I read a thread several months ago about this subject, but can't find it in a search. Just wondering if I melt down pre-scented and cured wax (70/30 soy/para blend) if I would have to wait a normal amount of time for it to cure again?

I actually have a method to my madness. I'm going to experiment pouring up a few pounds of a couple of my scents and store them in either large glass jars or polypro #5 containers. My thinking is to let them cure and get nice and strong, then when I get an order for that scent, I'll just scoop out enough to fill the jar, melt it down and pour it into the jar. That way it will arrive nice and strong to my customer.

LOL, I'm not even selling yet...just thinking ahead to when I hope to be!

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I don't think so. When you remelt it you are just tempering it. Its kind of like chocolate. I am always remelting mine because I am so busy off chasing a kid in the middle of pouring. I have noticed the more I remelt it the better it turns out.

Jakalex whats up?

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Thanks for the responses...forgot to mention, that I'm hoping this method will also give me more consistent colors since it's easier to have a formula per pound as opposed to one candle at a time.

Any other opinions?

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