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Oh I have no gripe whatsoever with their service...their shipping costs an arm and a leg and maybe an ear!

and a few toes and fingers my way..lol...I have to pay a customs fee and brokerage fee and a few other ones but I love their product!! I just make sure to order big when I do

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Awwww............I just order my glass and lids form them. Split it up into 2 cost effective $6.95 shipping fees! I can't get my glass from anyone else for that price.........and I might add...........intact. NO BROKEN JARS!!!! Everywhere else the shipping is as much as the glass, believe me I shop the internet like crazy for price and shipping costs. I get it in the cart check the shipping and see the total and match it to what I'm getting from WSP, no one has beat it! If I could drive somewhere and pick it up I would, if I could afford a pallet I would. Oh well...........that's all!:grin2:

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I've been a customer of WSP for a few years, I never complained about anything as far as customer service and they do ship fast. Great selection of products and up until a few months ago, fair pricing. I have two friends that come to NY at least once per year and they always pick up huge orders for Kim and I. Life WAS good.

Then she implemented that 6.95 shipping deal.

Did she not KNOW that people were going to put glass and other heavy items in their carts after all these years of way of out line shipping charges? Of course people were going to abuse it. Why wouldn't they? But no, she goes and raises over half her prices sitewide. She used to get a heckuva lot more of my money than she will now. A few things I get from her on a regular I have outsourced to other suppliers since she almost doubled the price.

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Huge prices raises on some things I got there also. One item was 19.95 before the 6.95 shipping, now it went to 29.95. That's only one thing, a lot of my stuff went up like that. I'm having to find someone else also. That is just ridiculous. So now I can get it delivered for 6.95 but pay 10.00 more dollars for it-doesn't that mean I'm still paying the 16.95 shipping on a 19.95 product? Somehow that doesn't seem like a better deal.:undecided


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I know....I know.....and I see your points but, I only order glass and lids so still getting a great deal and the service was fast. I order everything else from other suppliers. I guess that when they did the shipping thing and raised prices on other stuff they may have shot themselves in the foot with alot of customers. I noticed that the glass I bought had gone up a couple of cents since the last order. Everything is getting expensive right now, these gas prices are driving up the shipping and product costs terribly. I only have one wholesaler because I can't afford to sell my candles thru someone else. I make alot more profit when I sell them of course. I do make more profit on accessories and aroma beads than I do on candles! When I looked at the real UPS shipping calculator for the glass and lids I just ordered it was $36.38 and I paid 13.90 total. So, I can't complain!

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No...........should I? Just great service was the only statement I wanted to make! :wink2:

My point was, that you said "thanks" here. It's nice to hear about great service from any vendor, but I'm sure you would probably make someone's day at WSP if you told them that.

A lot of people take the time to complain to a vendor, but few take the time to tell them when they do a good job. That was the only reason for my comment.

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