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4oz tin, dumb question lol

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I'm going to 'have a go' with my new soy wax today. It's ecosoy and I have some 4oz tins.

Now then, would these take 4oz of wax (well the 4oz x .8)

Don't want to go wasting my precious wax lol.


btw, I'm assuming soy is melted in a double burner like paraffin, as opposed to gel with direct heat?

God, I feel thick

Haven't got much time to check answers, got 2 kids off school already and they've comandeered the pc, I'm on my knees typing whilst they are standing behind me

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4oz is the weight of the tin when it's FULL. try 3.5oz. You'll use just over 3oz for the first pour, and if the top is lumpy, you can heat the little bit left over in the microwave for 20 seconds and do a re-pour.

Yes, use the double boiler method - never melt all your wax in the microwave - it's only OK for tiny bits and not for too long as if it's scented wax, it will evaporate the scent off plus you have NO control over the temperature - do it in quick, short bursts and use a thermometer. You can also "burn" soy (as I found out) and it goes a yucky wee colour if heated too high.

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thanks nattycat,

I've heated to 190, added colour and FO at 175 and poured at 150 (it said somewhere pour at 100, but I thought that too low)

I couldn't find any details on here about temps.

I've just spent since this morning doing embeds! haven't got any tiny moulds, managed two strawberries from a rubber mould, they came out brilliant. Tried Gingerbread mini man and lemon slice from my daughters playdough mould ;)

the slices worked but for some reason no matter what I poured the gingerbread into, it wouldn't come out without breaking it up.

The scent throw is amazing!

I checked my notes and it said 25ml to 1oz, I thought that can't be right, so in my wisdom I put 4ml in and it smells amazing.

All a bit of trial and error at the moment, will be doing the tins later tonight for the lemon meringue, and strawberries, but will have to do the gingerbread later when I've done the embeds :)

blimey, I can't half waffle, I've been starved of pc communication all day ;)

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