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Potassium Hydroxide In Infant Formula?


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I haven't contacted Enfamil yet to ask them why it's used in their formula but it is listed as under 1% and that may be a small amount but when did it become edible? Has anyone else seen this? Am I reading something incorrectly?:undecided

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You will find it in many foods and other household items. Go read the ingredients on your toothpaste.

I'm totally guessing here but just like in soap, once it's mixed in there is a chemical change and it's no longer lye. I would have to assume thats the way it is with the formula.

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never seen it in toothpaste or any similar products. usually see it in b&b products which isn't surprising. I can see how it would be possible that once mixed with all those other chemicals it could be come something else and if that is the case I wonder if because it is used at less than 1% if it could be avoided altogether...I will call their consumer line to get exact info on it I would sure love to know how it works in their formula.

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Great link. Thanks for the search. I haven't spoke to their rep yet and honestly outside of B&B products I never noticed it in any other products...:embarasse could be beacause I wasn't working with it then:undecided

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