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i want to rebatch soap

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Are you understanding what rebatching is? When you rebatch is when you have a batch of soap that for some reason you don't like or it didn't turn out for some reason. You take that soap and cut it up or grate/shred it and melt it back down. You can also use this time to add some more goodies to your soap. So there isn't a recipe per say since you can rebatch any recipe you've already made. I hope that made sense.

There are alot of old threads that will discuss rebatching. Try a search and see what you can find. Good luck.

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Lovedog, I hope I don't sound rude when I suggest you take a day or 10 and read read read your way through CandleTech. A lot of your questions show that you need to gain a stronger background than we can give you by simply answering. Please read here, google away, and even go to your library. Once you do that you will find that it's easier to ask questions we can answer!

Good luck, and don't disappear!

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LOVEDOG, like I said, there is not a recipe for rebatched soap since you are rebatching soap that has already been made. You can search the recipe section for others soap recipes, make a batch and then rebatch it if you like. Although I don't understand why you would rebatch just to rebatch which is why I wonder if you are understanding the concept of rebatching. Or I am not understanding your question. :confused:

I agree with CB and think you really need to read and research soap making a bit more. It is to your benefit. Or stick with MP which is another way to make soap without messing with lye. And you can get very creative with MP. Lots of folks on here can also advise you on MP. We are here to help you but you do need to do your research and then once ready, just dive in.

Here is a link to the soap calc that you can play with in designing a recipe that you can rebatch if you so choose. Or not. Plug in different %'s to see what each change does to the properties of your soap and have fun.


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You could do that with the Ivory but it is so much more rewarding IMO to make your own from scratch. Give it a try sometime LOVEDOG - I just know once you make your first batch of soap, you will be addicted!! Or go for some MP soap. Lots of really nice soap bases out there. Get yourself some molds, dyes and soap bases and have fun. You will be so pleased with yourself and what you will be able to create.

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There are many ways to rebatch soap. Eugenia uses boiling bags, that seems to be a great way to do it. Some people shred then microwave with spritzes of water. Others soak the shreds overnight then heat up. It would be easiest to search for a specific person's post so try this. Go to search, advanced search. Then type rebatch for the key word and Eugenia for the User Name. Then go to the bottom of the form and change the default to posts instead of threads. That should take you right to her method and teach you how to search on this forum also.

You could also go to brambleberry.com and read up on rebatching. They also sell soap for rebatching.


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