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Soap question


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Yeah it's pretty silly unless you like to eat soap, in which case you have bigger problems than trans-fats.

Trans-fats are mostly a concern in hydrogenated oils such as margarine and shortening. Hydrogenation produces tons of the worst trans-fats. I think there's little to no concern about trans-fats from natural fats and oils, just the artificial stuff like margarine and soy wax and such.

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she must be a soaper herself. I read in one of my soaping books about avoiding oils that have trans fat. Something to do with the hardness of the finished bar. I need to go back and read it again. I'll let you know exactly what I find tonight.

Curious if you found what you were looking for.

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Some people, swear to god, honestly believe they'll ingest the trans fat through osmosis! I'm almost embarrassed to say, I have someone in my close family on a no trans fat kick!

She's been reading some crazy fad books, that say if you have trans fat even in hygiene products, that you might as well down a bottle because it still can get in your body through your skin.

Others it's because they break out really bad on their skin in some areas, and trans fat can upset that, but I'm not sure that apply to soaps...

Scented, I say you take that and the packaging and donate it to the charity auction, you just know someone will appreciate it! :)

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Curious if you found what you were looking for.

I believe trans-fats are going to have the least amount of nutrients in them, which wont give you as nurishing bar of a bar as say olive oil will. Kind of the same with saturated fats, but trans-fats have even less nutrients. Using crisco or other hydrogenated oils get robbed of their nutrients during the hyrogenating process. Maybe thats what she was worried about.

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Tell 'em to just shut up and either buy the soap or don't.

and if your candles are soy then they aren't fat free... right? I mean isn't soy wax really hydrogenated soybean oil? tell 'em not to eat those either.

lmao!!!! I just spit out my pop

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She's been reading some crazy fad books, that say if you have trans fat even in hygiene products, that you might as well down a bottle because it still can get in your body through your skin.

I have a sister who swears she lives a chemical free life. NO CHEMICALS she says. Sad because everything is made of chemicals. SHE is made of chemicals. So is water, air, the floor she's standing on...

But try to explain it to her (she has an MBA and is in Market Research for a big company and is quite intelligent in some ways) and she just gives a blank stare and DENIES she's made of chemicals. Go figure.

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