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Colorants for MP


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Do not use food coloring or candle dyes. I use liquid colorant and it works great. I think some people use oxides but I haven't yet. You can also use natural colorants. If you do a search I believe we posted on that topic. Have fun!

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I use liquid colorants from Hobby Lobby or The Chemistry Store in my m&p. I tried some from other places but wasn't happy with the results--it was like color particles didn't incorporate into my soaps.

I've also tried a few different natural additives for color, but wasn't too pleased with that result either. A lot of times the herbs or spices you add can have an over powering smell that is not too pleasant (as in the case of sea kelp for example).

It will just take some experimenting, but for just starting out, as long as you go with a good supplier, nothing's easier than liquids.

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