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Chocolate Mint Votives

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Me and Erika seriously have to decide what's chunks and what's chips. When I make Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, I don't use the chocolate teasers like most brands of ice cream, I USE CHUNKS! I think there's more chocolate than mint in mine, but that's how I like it.

Had a discussion, she thinks what's in the votives are chips, I'm saying chunks. Doesn't matter though, I think they look great.

Didn't blast the sides with a heatgun, just poured and waited and I actually like the look.

Didn't make enough CHUNKS for all the votives, so two are without.


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ooooooooh I like those, yummy.

mmmmm do I get involved :tiptoe: I'd say chunks were chunks, but if you've broken them up, then they aren't chunks, if they are thin, I'd call them slivers lol. :P

One thing I've noticed about your posts, you ask how to do something, or say I'm doing so and so, then BOOM its there done. You really are quick and on the ball.

I look forward to seeing your candles :yay:

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I got this scent from Lone Star and it is absolutely divine. I walked into the dining room this morning to get on the computer and the room has a soft minty aroma to it, votives are still on the table. Very strong in the Presto though, almost takes your breath away, but holy COW it's awesome!

I actually had to make that green, which I'm pleased with and wrote that down the second I started producing it. I'm out of the true green so I used what I had to get it. Very happy with that color.

1/2 chip Bright Green

1 chip Saturn Yellow

1/2 drop of Navy Blue (the end of a toothpick)

I am so itching to burn one of these, but they're for the other girl that's helping me get started.

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Chips, chunks, slivers, they would all be delicious.....if they weren't wax. Now you are going to make me bake a chocolate cake for my honey's birthday today. I was hoping to get away from that, but now I have a craving for chocolate. There is a great chocolate cake called Amazon Chocolate Cake in "Café Beaujolis".....I have been making it for years.

I am going to try that scent. I know some people would would love it.....and for the color.....perfect. Good job sweetie. Auntie D

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They look good but...

I think you could add a tiny bit more green for the chunky ones. IMO the green looks just a little bit to light with the dark brown chunks. Maybe it's just the photo.

The solid green ones look like the perfect green, just turns to light with chunks.

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