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Molding Soap


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Ok, first I know you guys are gonna tell me, won't be long you will be doing CP or HP soaps and you are probably right :smiley2:

But I am crawling before I walk.....playing with MP.

Got a ?? ....Maybe PrarieAnnie can help on this one.

One, can you pour MP log or slab like CP?

Two, if yes to question one, can it poured into a plastic or carboard box as a mold?

AND Three, if yes to two, do I need to line them (plastic and or cardboard) and if so, what is best to use? Can the foam be used like I saw in the earlier post?

Oh, oh, one last question, what is best to use to color MP?

I tried some clear MP and put a drop of blue (I think it is called FD&C liquid) but the color came out kind of greenish. Looked like a fish tank needs cleaning! lol


Thank you all!!!!

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Yes you can pour MP into log molds. If you are using plactic, go ahead and pour directly into the mold, pop it in the freezer for a few min. if it doesnt come loos right away. If pouring into a cardboard box or wood box, you will need to line with freezer paper.

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Hi DeJae!

I have used a variety of things to color my MP soaps, but now I just leave them naturally colored because that is what sells for me.

You can use micas, and several of the same colorants that CP'ers are using.

Another fun thing to use is natural colorants like paprika and cocoa powder.

You had also asked about using a foam liner and the answer is yes.. you can certainly use a foam liner for MP soap.

Don't be afraid to add things to your MP soap :D If you have any questions, give me a hollar! Have Fun!

ETA: I haven't tried the FD& C colorants that you were writing about.. so I have no idea if they will work well or not. If they are soap safe then give them a try.. you'll be doing a lot of experimenting anyway! :)

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