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HELP-am I melting thru the mould sealer?

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Is it possible to pour at too high a temp for the mould seal?

I've made a candle tonight, used the same mould seal I always use and the whole lot came pouring out the bottom, quite quick too, as if there wasn't any there!

So I made it again, but this time got a piece of new mould seal, put loads on, made sure I spread it out really well, and its happened again. This time its not so bad, its just around the bottom edge of the mould coming out about a cm, but it looks like its still seeping :(

I'm pouring at 190 for my snowflake candles

any ideas?

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yes, when pouring too hot it can happen.

When i need high temps I use mould sealer (a lot) and metal tape. first metal tape to cover the wick, then a big ball of grey sealr well pressed, then at least a cros on it made with more metal tape. and press well!! HTH

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aah, thanks.

darn mould sealer, I hate it anyway, its like runny glue that sets like concrete. I stand in the kitchen with it hanging from every finger, desperately trying to roll it into a ball in the palm of my hand to get it off lol

I'm just looking on ebay us to see if there are any concave wick pins for pillars.

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I'm not going to ask lol ... I use the stuff, wrap it around my wick pin, press into place etc. and use it over and over till it starts to leak.

There aren't any distinctions between wick pins out there that I know of. They should all work with whatever mold you have.

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lol, no ask please scented, it'll help me learn hehe

now, I think I may mean something different with wick pin.

I'm after something that looks like the votive wick pin, round at the bottom, spike sticking up thru centre, at least 6.5inches long. You put it in the mould first (like votive) and remove when candle set.

what are you wrapping your mould seal around?

I'm still using some mould seal that someone kindly sent me ;) and there were 2 little screws with it, never did figure what they were for.

I'm just slapping a piece on about 1 1/2 wide all around the hole and over the wick (leaving a horrible grey mark!) and flattening it out as much as i can around the edge.

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Lower the temp to about 170 or even down to 150 if you want to. You can still get mottles at lower temps.

I generally pour rustics at 150 - 155 and they mottle most of the time. The snow flakes might not be as big or spread out as wide, but they're usually some there.

The screws are to put in the wick holes when *not * using wick pins.

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You're both talking about the same wick pins. Personally I keep the base outside and thread the pin through the hole, putting a ring of the sealer around the pin at the base so that it's squished in between the pins base and the bottom of the mold. Some people do put the pins inside like with votives, but I find it make the top of the candle not as pretty and tends to scratch the inside of the mold when you pull out the candle if you're not careful.

Oh yeah, often you have to enlarge the wick hole just slightly (as little as you possible can to reduce chances of leaking too) for the pin to go through. At least I have had to on all mine. A rattail jewelers file works best. ;)

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lol' date=' no ask please scented, it'll help me learn hehe

now, I think I may mean something different with wick pin.

I'm after something that looks like the votive wick pin, round at the bottom, spike sticking up thru centre, at least 6.5inches long. You put it in the mould first (like votive) and remove when candle set.

what are you wrapping your mould seal around?

I'm still using some mould seal that someone kindly sent me ;) and there were 2 little screws with it, never did figure what they were for.

I'm just slapping a piece on about 1 1/2 wide all around the hole and over the wick (leaving a horrible grey mark!) and flattening it out as much as i can around the edge.[/quote']

no, these wick pins are used outside the mould - just stick a wad of mould sealer round the base and then stick to the bottom of the mould.

But first - try this. Wash the outside of your mould in hot soapy water, possibly rub some alcohol round the base also. the mould sealer won't stick of there's melted wax or fragrance oil that's leaked onto the outside of the mould - it needs to be super clean and dry and not greasy.

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lol' date=' no ask please scented, it'll help me learn hehe

now, I think I may mean something different with wick pin.

I'm after something that looks like the votive wick pin, round at the bottom, spike sticking up thru centre, at least 6.5inches long. You put it in the mould first (like votive) and remove when candle set.

what are you wrapping your mould seal around?

I'm still using some mould seal that someone kindly sent me ;) and there were 2 little screws with it, never did figure what they were for.

I'm just slapping a piece on about 1 1/2 wide all around the hole and over the wick (leaving a horrible grey mark!) and flattening it out as much as i can around the edge.[/quote']

The same thing you described, but I don't put my wick pin inside the mold. I thread it through the hole in my mold. Make sense? (And I'm still not sure I want to ask lol!)

Natty -- some use them inside their molds. It's just a preference thing.

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Some would. There are some with less, what is it?, girth? I used to have some about the size of a quarter or less for a base that worked really well till the bottoms started popping off. If there were as sturdy as the ones say that Peak carries and that small, I would have loaded up.

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We use wick pins both inside and outside - depends on our mood. Lately, we've been sliding the mold down on them and I didn't even USE any of that goopy mold sealer (what an accursed, nasty substance!) and LO! and BEHOLD! No leaking! I was pouring palm wax at 190°, so I fully expected one heckuva mess! I found most sizes from CandleWic (the 2" size), Lonestar and Cajun. One of the suppliers pointed out to me (another DUH! moment for moi) that I could use a larger diameter wickpin if I used it on the outside... NEVER occurred to me...:o

I also like the concave look from the mold better than the top the wickpin makes... the mold makes better crystal patterns when pouring palm than does the wickpin.:tongue2:

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aah, thanks folks, just tried another and poured at 185 (god I'll have no wax left :( )

that didn't seep through.

will see how snowflakes are with that temp.

My moulds are concave, but the pins I've seen are flat, so would be better going on outside. Sellers says they would fit 2 and 3inch.

They also have a site called spiritcrafts.

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