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Gift Baskets

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A customer wanted several gift baskets for a "Christmas in July" celebration, so here's what's been keeping me busy lately. These were fun to make, but I really am sorely lacking in "cutesying things up" decorating skills, as is evident from these pics. :laugh2: Forgive the lousy photography; it suddenly got very overcast and dark here, just as I was getting ready to take the pic. Boo hiss. ;)

Each recipient will receive a basket customized to her particular tastes in scent. The baskets include a jar candle, lip balm, body wash, lotion, and 2 bars of soap. One basket also included a stick of body balm. Sorry about the green tape, but hey -- the other baskets were already shrinkwrapped before I remembered to get photos. LOL

I sure hope the customers' friends like receiving these. :grin2: Those of you skilled in creating attractive gift baskets -- feel free to give me your best tips!



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Great Stuff... now STUFF those baskets!! Wad up lots of tissue paper and put it in the basket, then on top of that put basket fill (shreds of paper or straw type filling) make it kind of spill out to the sides and then put your products in.. use the tissue paper to make stuff stand up make it so a big majority of your products are actually at the top or above the top of the basket (they sink a bit eventually any way) and then shrink wrap it tightly so that stuff does move much! Fill 'em up, it makes people say "OMG, look at all that stuff!!" Hope that helps!

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I DO use sprigs of silk flowers and such in my baskets, and I think it makes them look really pretty; just a touch hear and there, and i think that sets it off nicely!

I also stuff mine, but I use good old newspaper-(cheap) and then shred, and sit that stuff up a little higher, but nested nicely, so it doesn't wobble-plus, I am a new-found shrink wrap fiend w/ my baskets!! Makes all the difference, and so much easier!!!!

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AJ, your gift baskets look great! Like Steph, I would also like to know where you got the baskets from. I will be making up some gift baskets to donate to an event, and have everything except for the baskets. I wasn't sure if I should get baskets with or without a handle, but after seeing yours, I think it would be nicer without the handle. Yesterday I went and got a roll of cello wrap to wrap around each basket to keep everything together and prevent the contents from falling out. Will you be doing that too?

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Yes, Suds, I shrinkwrapped the gift baskets before shipping them so everything stays intact. :) Each basket had a circular label (on the candle lid) with the recipient's name on it.

I got the baskets from Michael's, gang. I think they are $2.99 each, but natch I got them on sale. :grin2:

Thanks, everyone, for your compliments and for your tips to help me with my presenation skills. I will use these ideas, believe me!

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Baskets look super,

I would add one more item , a washcloth, (I would get at dollarstore) in the back ground , maybe folded in forths with a piece of cardboard between the layers to give it stability.

Just a thought :2cents:

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Love your baskets! Katshe's washcloth idea is good, in fact, I've often used inexpensive dishtowels/washcloths for most of the filler. More goodies for the person and less bits to throw away. Also, try working some of your artificial greenery into the weave of the basket itself - that can dress up the whole thing really nicely!

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