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Mr. Doright Molds! Please Read!!

Devil Woman

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Hi Everyone,

I have read a lot of good things about Mr. Doright Molds and went to his ebay store and bought one on June 7th. I used my paypal account and the money was sent through my checking account and the check cleared on the 11th. I had not heard anything about the shipping of this mold so over the week-end I sent him an email, well several, and still have gotten no reply and no mold. I have checked my ebay account and no shipping info is there. I am not sure what to do about this. Have any of you had any problems with this Mr. Doright??? I paid $54.38 for this mold and I have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach that I am not going to get this mold. Please anyone advise!

Thanks so much for your help,

Devil Woman

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I talk to Rick on numerous occassions. I don't personally know him but have been in touch with him alot.

His wife just had a total hip replacement done and is in extremely high pain.

He has just hired a nurse to come and care for her. His wife runs the website for him and he has extremely little knowledge on how to run it. He doesn't even know how to send an email. As he says, I am the creator of product that is all I can do.

It takes him hours to figure out how to email someone back.

If you are still having a problem or concerns just PM me and I can communicate it to him for you if you like. I don't feel at liberty to give out his phone number without him wanting me to but I would be glad to help you as much as I can. He is a very very nice man with a gentle heart.

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Hi! I'm a lurking newbie and just wanted to post about this. I also bought a mold from him on eBay and after sending him 3 requests for total amounts with shipping he finally called me (probably 5 days after end of auction). I was a bit surprised about that (getting a call at home)! Just like the previous poster he told me his wife was in the hospital getting hip surgery and said he only does the molds and doesn't know much about the rest (computers, emails, shipping etc.). I finally got my mold today and it took a bit less than a month to get here in Canada. I would keep trying to contact him. I know it's frustrating but life happens and while I have been <<screwed>> by some sellers on eBay, this guy does seem to be honest. I wouldn't give up on your molds just yet! :)


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You will get the molds- I've done business with him a few times and he is honest, he even overnighted my last mold from WA to NY and it wasn't even necessary. He is an older gentleman with very limited knowledge of a computer. I can almost guarantee you will get what you paid for. ;)

I would suggest that whomever is running the Co-op to get a hold of him and see if he has time to do this with all that is going on in his world. He does make a fabulous mold, but they do not make a standard size bar unless you heap the soap on the top and I pour at thin trace. You either love or hate these molds, IMO. I prefer a Misty Creek myself.

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I am involved in the co-op. I have talked to Rick many many times and he is ready for the co-op to happen but also as it states on the co-op, he will be making these to order so there will be a little lag time. Also this co-op is not going through his ebay store it will be all direct so he will be ok handling this.

Once again, there is a little lag time as he will be making these upon the order being placed.

I have 2 of his 4# molds and I lightly trim the tops as I get ashing and they have fit nicely in the soap boxes I have gotten from KangarooBlue.com

Like I had said before in an earlier post he has hired someone to take care of his wife and it also takes him a very long time to figure out how to answer the emails. As you can see from his site that there are no molds offered right now, he has told me this is because he is increasing prices after the co-op and also not to have to deal with the emails that he has a hard time answering right now.

Hope this has helped, as I offered before, if you need some help contacting him, just PM me as I talk to him from time to time as I am working with him trying to get him to build a slab mold too.

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If you're clever, there's a way to easily cut 8 perfectly sized bars without having to fill the mold to the rim.

Well, I do believe I am clever. :laugh2:

But I do know my limitations and quirks. I think the method you created is way cool and could yield some interesting effects. I will have to give it some thought. However, I am very, very BAD at being precise with any cutting/measuring mechanism. To the point I refuse to use log molds because if it. Silly, I know. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. LOL!!

I bought a FCS cutter, and then I bought both MC molds.

Then I decided to sell the cutter and stick to the MC molds, exculsively. The problem is I am almost anal about the consistency in bar size. I have finally mastered how to cut them precisely with the chopping knife. Being that I bought probably 15 or so different molds and then sold them, I am trying (key word here) to be less flippant and stick to one mold. But I am totally annoyed that I sold good molds like the Mission Peak, and the Auntie Helen break-away molds, because now I want to give them another shot.

What size (lbs) is the 9 inch long from Mr. Doright?

I had probably 3 of these molds. The last one was the 5 lb cutter mold and honestly that mold rocked, except for the bar size. I would love to get this type of mold without the cutter lines and use the FCS cutter with it.

Thus the reason I am going to have Jeff from this board build me a few molds out of HDPE so I can choose the size I want. If you haven't seen his molds in this section, they are definitely worth a peek.

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MA, I had a cabinet maker here make me a wooden slab mold, like the Misty Creek, only the guides for the cutter were cut with a very thin blade. That makes it so the blade doesn't have any play when in the slot. He is very very busy (building season) so I'm hoping I get the mold soon. I'll let you know how the thin slots work when I finally get it.

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What size (lbs) is the 9 inch long from Mr. Doright?

The procedure I described is good for his small no-liner mold & cutter combo, without slots. I use 2 lbs oils with it for 3 lbs total liquid. That just about fills it when I pour thin and don't have to rush. :)

It would be small for you and yes too bothersome to make consistent bars for sale. However it's a real nifty mold for a beginner once you learn to cut the nicely proportioned bars with it. 8 per batch suits me well since each soap I make at this stage is some new and different thing I'm trying.

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