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no olive or rbo batch!!


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Just finished my trial batch omitting olive, was going to replace it with rbo but decided to use soybean and canola instead Turned out great so far and the Rosemary-Mint smells devine!!!It traced way fast I did hp in the mold oven method, wish I woud have gotten it into mold sooner but next batch I will know.It is still cooling this morning and I will cut it tonight and share photos.Sooo excited


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My objective is to keep costs down as much as possible and still have a nice bar of soap.

I think next batch I will superfat at 5% instead of 7% though would like more bubbles but the creaminess is nice.

I do have white streaks in the soap and think it is from cocoa butter, i did heat it for a while first at I am sure above 130 degrees

I think it is pretty but -did it all mix in?

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Do keep the superfat down as I believe that the soy and canola may contribute to a higher likelihood of DOS - but someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Butters that are not completely melted and indeed cause white streaks. Just test that area for zap - if it's zapless don't worry about it.

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Good call! I love soy and will tolerate some canola. :grin2: LOL

If you live in a hot, humid area, make sure your oils are nice and fresh, and keep them in a cool, dry place. Make sure the soaps stay out of the heat & humidity too.

I like a 5% superfat. Gives you a nice margin. I wouldn't go higher with those soft oils, however.

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I also like a bit of canola in some of my batches...but then again, I like Crisco in some also.

I just scored 8 gallons of extra virgin olive oil for $12.50 each. That should last for a little while anyway.

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Do keep the superfat down as I believe that the soy and canola may contribute to a higher likelihood of DOS - but someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Butters that are not completely melted and indeed cause white streaks. Just test that area for zap - if it's zapless don't worry about it.

You are correct. Also I notice they do not lather as much as OO or RBO.

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I have not used oo cause I dislike the smell and rbo I would have to order online and I wanted to use oils I could get locally,

but If it means less lather I may have to switch.

As far as white streaks- No zap , and I am sure the oils were all melted.

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