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And finally...


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Here is probably my last post of my soaps for another year or so. Unfortunately this isn't all my soaps. lol

From the top left to right

1. SNC now at AH Barbershop 1920's

2. Daystar Honey Propopolis - this is a castile soap that I rebatched because it has actual honey and GM in it and got too hot and separated. Bummer. It still is ugly as sin.

3. Kitchen Coffee Hand Soap with coffee grounds and made with coffee as my liquid - Columbian Coffee from OT. This is one strong soap.

Bottom Row

4. This soap did not turn out like anything that I was going for and the layers did not turn out either. It was one of my first attempts of layers with chunks of other soaps. The bottom part is scented OM Sandlewood Rose. It smells wonderful. It was supposed to be a rosy pink but turned brown. The top part came out a lighter pink and is scented Red Rose Petal from OT. It has pieces of a soap hubby made scented with Southern Soapers' Hooah! It is another one of those ugly duckling soaps.

5. OT Wildberry Musk - love this scent. It is holding nicely and soaped like a dream.

6. BCN Ocean Mist ( My BIL came to visit me for spring break. He would never use my soap and for some reason seemed to have an aversion to even trying it. He was very skeptical. So, I made him make soap with me which he did so rather reluctantly and with no enthusiasm. I let him choose his scent and colors and told him how much of each ingredient to weigh out and walked him through the process. He wanted the soap to be red and yellow and choose Ocean Mist from BCN. I know the color doesn't go with the name. But as we know, red can be hard to get and Steven ended up with a very pretty pink and yellow soap.) He was not thrilled at first with the color but as we unmolded the soap and he saw he bar, man did he get excited. He was so proud of himself and took most of the batch home to my sister. She said he showed everyone. And yes, he is using it. lol

3rd row

7. OT Peppermint Ice - bummer this scent was so strong at first and did not hold at all.








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Goodness!! OK what's the coloring you're using. If you say SS, I need some definite help lol! I can't get a pink unless I use my neon mica and well it just stinks so I don't want to use it. And the blues ...

I'll bring the spoon lol!

Your stuff will keep me up at all hours tonight too!

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Goodness!! OK what's the coloring you're using. If you say SS, I need some definite help lol! I can't get a pink unless I use my neon mica and well it just stinks so I don't want to use it. And the blues ...

I'll bring the spoon lol!

Your stuff will keep me up at all hours tonight too!

Yep they are for the most part SS. I love my SS. I'll look at my notes and see how I got both pinks and let you know - I wasn't going for pink either time. I also use alot of colorants from MMS but I don't think any of these soaps have those in them - just SS.

My sister and I thought it was funny that I made my BIL make soap with me. What is even funnier and so cute was how excited he was about his soap AND how he could not believe that the soap he made did not break him out, cause hair loss, blindness or sexual dysfunctions, give him a rash, or burn any body parts off. Imagine that! He wants to do it again.

I also have made the hubby make soap when he is working at the shop and is bored and bitchy - but hubby loves to stick all kinds of things in the soap and on the soap and he gets way carried away with it. The concept less is more is lost on him. Lots of his soapies don't make it out to the shelf for sale - they end up being donated to the homeless shelter, or pushed to the back of the shelf and eventually disappearing.....:laugh2:

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LOL on your BIL and hubby!! I'm looking forward to Rockin making his first batch as I plan to sit back and just watch (if I can stand to do so!)

I can't wait to see Rockin's first batch. Watch it turn out to be one of the prettiest batches we've seen on CT!! Or maybe not. :rolleyes2LOL

Hubby's (Papa Bear) first batch was ugly as sin but we posted it on CT anyway since he was so proud. He covered it with rosebuds!!! Carrie got a bar of his second batch of sandpaper er I mean soap - it had ground apricot shells in it. Remember he loves stuff in it and on it. He was so proud and insisted we give her a bar when we went to meet her and I was putting together some goodies. I thought, "Great she doesn't even know us and we are going to give her a bar of his sandpaper soap that he thinks is wonderful. Wonder what she'll think." I did it anyway since I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Whatever, he was proud and I'll bet Carrie lost a little skin with that one but obviously lived to tell. :laugh2:

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BEAUTIFUL!!!! :drool:

I'm an odd ball my two favorite ones are #2 and #4 . They were two you weren't happy with- but then again I think we're always our own worst critic, plus we invision one thing and when it doesn't turn out like that it just plain stinks!

That's too funny about your BIL- sounds like he's been converted :grin2:. I remember seing your DH's soap, like 2 years ago-right? It really sticks out to me because I was impressed that your hubby wanted to try (looked good too), wish mine would get a little more excited about the process.

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