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Kelsei mold users - rejoice!!


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Too bad it takes 6 months to even get a Kelsei mold... if you even see one then.

For awhile there they were behind on production of their molds because Max (the man that makes them) had a terrible accident and cut his fingers off. The fingers were able to be reattached but he was in rehab for quite some time relearning to use them, etc. His rehab was several hours away from their hometown and he had to go several times a week. You can imagine how much time that took and how draining it must have been for them. He might even still be going for all I know. They brought a worker in to help almost immediately after the accident but he worked at another job so his hours were very limited. After awhile, the man was not able to help them due to his schedule. Max had some setbacks as well along the way which affected their turn around times even more. It has been quite an ordeal for them as you can imagine but they have worked hard to get Max back in the shop and to keep production going. If you ever have any problems, issues or questions, just shoot them an e-mail. Rita is excellent at responding in a timely manner. She a really nice lady.

I love my Kelsies and wouldn't trade them for anything. I think they are worth a wait. And Max and Rita are just awesome to work with.

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