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What's left in milk soaps after the liquid evaporates?

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I understand that with time, the water used in soapmaking will evaporate from the soap. What about milks? Obviously some of the liquid will evaporate, but the point of using milk is for its skin conditioning qualities, so if it all evaporates, there's no point. I'm assuming that some of the milk proteins and fats are left in the soap, but can someone tell what exactly what happens?

Thanks for your help..

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I'll try to hit the major points here, but chemistry was never my strong suit.

Milk contains fatty acids just like oils (not the same fatty acids, but you get the idea). These fatty acids either saponify or remain as a superfat, unless you calculate the milk fats into your NaOH amount, most don't. There's lactic acid in milk. When lactic acid and NaOH combine, sodium lactate is produced. There have been dozens discussions all across the web about the effects of sodium lactate in soap. Some soapers add sodium lactate to their soaps to increase hardness and decrease water evaporation or shrinkage.

Also, milk contains sugars which add properties similar to using honey or sugar in your recipe. These are what cause the soap to darken or possibly overheat when using milk. However, the value far outweighs the trouble.

When all of the goodies in milk have done their thing, it's really no loss when the water left over evaporates or "cures" out.

OK, now someone with more chemistry knowledge than me can take over...lol

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yeah, what sweetiepie said, LOL!

The GOOD stuff is left. Only the water leaves, but remember that when oils are saponified they aren't palm or shea, or sunflower or whatever. It's all soap which is why legally we don't have to list ingredients on "Soap" All that's left is the "good stuff" of each ingredient that survives saponification. for milk it is like sweetiepie said, sugars for lather, fats for moisturization, sodium lactate, etc.

Just a question though, did you mean to post this in the gallery? I betcha this'll be moved soon!


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