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Craft Show Next Weekend?

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Hi All, I have a craft show next weekend and it is still close to 100 degrees outside. Just too freakin' hot to be outside. What in the world was I thinking......*faint* My question is, is it to early to sell Christmas candles along with my end of the summer stuff and other goodies? I have been making Christmas props to take pictures of and am finished with that. I only did this show because it was only $20.00 otherwise I wouldn't be doing it. It is just way too hot outside.

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I've done two shows this summer and to my surprise I did very well.

Sales were much better than expected, I got many reorders on-line,

as well as some fundraiser and wholesale leads!!

santa cheeIt's never to early for Christmas Sales!!!santa chee

Put a picture of the heat miser up and use that as your Christmas in August sale gimmick!!! People always love sales!!

Play some Jimmy Buffet Music, have lots of sales, and hand out lots of business cards!!

Have Fun!!!


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I willl look around and see where I can find fans. I know I will need them.. We are supposed to drop to the mid to low 90's by than, so hopefully it will bring out the people. I will be right next to a huge weeping willow so I will be shaded all day. I requested shade and they were kind enough to accomodate me, especially when there is going to be 150 vendors, 30 food booths, music and dancing and other events going on. I hope everything works out. I haven't done this show since 2004, so I will keep my fingers and toes crossed that I make lots of money. At least the $20.00 booth fee....:laugh2:

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You can probably get spritz bottles from the dollar store. They are great for cooling off. Keep them in a cooler and then spritz yourself when you get really hot. Oh and I love the heat miser idea. That is hilarious!

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