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New to CP Soap


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Ok, well I am new to Soap all together :o I have made a few batches of MP soap, but I think I want to experiment with some CP soap now. What ingredients would you say/recommend for a newbie starting out with CP. The must haves that can be used in several different recipes.

Can any of you get LYE at a local store or does this have to be bought online?

ALso, if you don't mind posting your FAVORITE CP recipe, PRETTY PLEASE!! :D

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Check out the recipe section. it has a few great starter recipes in there. easy ones that only need about 3-4 oils.

Lye is no longer sold in most sotres. You may get lucky if you have a Lowes, they sometimes carry Roebic 100% lye crystals in their pluming section.

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I suggest searching... searching... and searching some more. miller soap is a great place in addition to here. There is a section for recipes, and Darwin's is terrific.

I'm new too, and I've been doing a lot of research. It takes a bit of work, but I learn more by doing my own research than just asking for specific answers. I'll search one term and find things I would have never thought to search for.

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Ingredients, I would say, ought to be readily available in your area, because if you find you don't like doing this ... you need to have something else to use those oils for.

Course you could be like me and not like it from the get go, but decide it isn't going to whip you either and then eventually you gain a respect for it I suppose.

Lye ... I used to get mine out of coop, but I'll be getting it online any more.

Recipes ... ha! I say read a lot. There's some recipes here in the recipe section. I know I won't share what I've spent more than a year working on because I'm still tinkering. There are recipes all over the net though and some individuals who are very kind to share, but if you're starting out ... start out basic and tinker from there.

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Bookmark this site. It has a lot of info and recipes:


One of the basic recipes from there would be a good one to start with.

Coconut oil 30%

Palm oil 20%

Olive oil 30%

Soybean oil 20%

Coconut oil and palm oil are two of the "hard" oils that can be used in a zillion different recipes. That might be a good answer for you "must haves" question.

The two "soft" oils in that recipe you can get from the grocery store. Soybean oil would be the Crisco "pure vegetable oil".

Have fun and respect the lye.

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Welcome to the wonderful world of chasing oils...er, um... making soap. :D

You'll be surprised at what you can find locally if you're determined. Check Yahoo groups for lists of local soapers, they often have already done your legwork for you and know just where to find lye and the more exotic oils. I found lye at my local hardware store before hooking up with the local deal...er, supplier who delivers 50# bags to my door. I found palm and palm kernel oil in an Asian grocery, castor at the pharmacy, etc. Just be careful at the HFS, they'll charge you dearly for tiny bottles.

Have fun!

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