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Eucalyptus Soap


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Lady came, and brought me eucalyptus fo and wants me to make soap with it. I know iIread a thread not that long ago about someone useing to much and it being irritating but I can't find it now (and yes I've been searching for the last hour). Can anyone give me a guide line? I'm thinking .5%.

Thank you

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I remember reading that too... couldn't tell you which thread now though, sorry. I THINK it was EO? Could be very, very wrong though. Hard to remember due to all the reading I've bee doing...

Sorry I wasn't more helpful!

At least now I know it wasn't my imagination!:shocked2:

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Is there a supplier name on the bottle. If there is, send them an email and ask for suggested usage. Make sure it's skin safe also, if it doesn't say on the bottle.
I agree with Carrie on this! If there is no supplier name on it I wouldn't use it for fear that it isn't skin safe. I wouldn't even use it if she told me the supplier. I would want proof on where it came from.
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