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What to do about this?


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This morning I was asked by a person in the Editorials department for Natural Health Magazine for samples of my banana soap and anything else I make with bananas. Its a great opportunity to be featured in another magazine (I was featured in the August edition of Craft Magazine) but he told me the samples had to be in by Friday, that was his deadline. Is this normal behavior? Craft just featured me out of the blue, no samples were requested. What if he is someone from the company just looking for freebies and has no intention of featuring my product in the magazine? I have grown weary of people these days, so often I am asked for samples for a review and I never see a review...

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Ask him for a current issue of the magazine and when this article will be published. He shouldn't have a problem with that.

When it comes to periodicals--things like newspapers, yes you can have even shorter deadlines. But magazines??? Usually, things are planned out well in advance. He might just be a procrastinator and has waited until the last minute to do his story, and you know the way things go--he's fallen behind so that puts all of the pressure on everyone else.

If it were me I would give him samples.

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Hmm, a bit fishy... because on the one hand his deadline in this friday but the issue isn't due out until march 08??

On the other hand, I guess if it is a quarterly mag then that might explain it... still. Seems weird. But yeah... no big loss of a few tarts if he doesn't pan out. Good luck!:)

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