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Guide for wicking palm containers & Pillars?

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There are no guides of which I am aware - ya just gotta find what works best for you and the only way is by trial and error. CandleScience has wicking recommendations on their site for their waxes and wicks. Just as with soy, you just have to test to find what works best for you with the wax, additives, FOs, etc. that you are using. Generally, pillars will need a little more wick than containers because they are burning in the open air and the heat is not concentrated as much as a container. BUT if you are wicking to leave a shell, often the same size wick will work for the pillar as for a container of the same diameter.

Please understand that palm wax and soy wax just do not burn the same as paraffin. I think many folks overwick palm and soy wax. Both burn so slowly and evenly, a big ol' flame is just not required! Sometimes both soy and palm wax do not achieve a full melt pool on the first burn, nor should they! A small hangup after the first burn will generally catch up as a container burns down. Even though initially a palm pillar may look like it is tunnelling and will NEVER catch up, as the candle burns down slowly, the shell becomes like a chimney with venturi currents and the sides thin considerably. When you test, test all the way to the bottom, especially if you think initially that your candle is underwicked. The only time I interrupt a test burn before the bitter end is when I have overwicked the candle and don't feel like making my own charcoal out of my house. :tongue2:

Good luck & have fun!:D

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Thanks, Stella! I will keep this in mind when I start to experiment with pillars. I've got the wicking down for my 16 oz masons but haven't started with pillars yet (no time due to the craft fair).

You've been a big help!!! I appreciate it. Now I think I'll pass out from exhaustion or exposure to too many FOs!!!:tongue2:


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