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Snowballs - wicking a ball candle?

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Does anyone have a starting suggestion for wicking a ball mould?

I use Lx wicks.

I've not made one before or even seen one burn, so unsure of the burn pool.

whilst on the subject, I will be putting whipped wax on them for snow, and fancied trying to put some glitter on. Problem, by the time I've covered the lot in 'snow' it'll be set and the glitter probably won't take, anyone done this?


p.s. am I really sad playing christmas music whilst I make them ;) lmao

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I tried these last summer and had the leaking prob.as quick as i was pouring it was leaking and i was repouring there was wax everywhere,floor worktop, cubboard doors. it was a total disaster!

I moved not long after and thinking it was a faulty mould havent had the guts to try again. There must be some way of sealing them!!:confused:

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Did you get your heat gun? After you put on the whipped wax, hit the snowballs with the heat gun and sprinkle with glitter. I tried mixing the glitter in the wax I used for whipping and wasn't happy with the results but you could try that too.

Wick would depend on the size of your snowball. I made mine just a little bigger than a votive and used a votive wick.

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I've managed to get the snow on ;) I did put the glitter in that before I read this and its not brill, doesn't show up much.

I havent' got a heat gun yet, but someones told me where to get one cheap, its just getting there.

I had some RRD samples sent to me, so I've tried one of those, was just looking for the size and can't find it, but I'm sure its a 34.

Will try it and see. The diameter across middle of the mould is 3 inches, so if the RRD34 doesn't work, I'll use an Lx based on that size.


btw, the snow went on really easily, it was like fluff lol, I added a touch of gel wax to the paraffin

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