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Business slow???

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I have now been in business over a year and have yet to see many sales. August was great for me, but since then I haven't had any website orders or many regular sales in the shops I have my stuff in. I just added candles to my site (soy JJ and Pint square masons). I have added a scent of the month where everything available in that scent is 20% off.

My sil sent my newsletter on to 18 or so of her friends, so I am hoping that will at least get them looking. My cousin is holding a party for me, but that isn't until November. I would like to get some sales to pay off what I have bought and have the money to buy more so I can have some cash and carry on hand.

I guess I am just frustrated. I have worked so hard in the past year (I am sure I could have worked harder), that i want to see some fruits from my labor!


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What are you doing to promote your website? What are you doing to promote yourself? Do you do craft shows? Do you have your website on all of your labels? How are you getting your name out there? Many people don't realize that the "hard work" in this business has equally as much to do with promoting ones self as it does research and development and making and testing products. If the only thing you have done is send a newsletter out to 18 of your sister's friends, then I'd say you have a LOT of work to do to increase your business, to get your name out there, and to help people see and know who you are.

Are the stores where your products are doing anything to help you promote them? They should be! You ARE doing wholesale correct? Consigned items rarely get promoted by shop owners because they have nothing invested in them... wholesale is a whole other story! Talk to the shops.. see what they are doing and what they would be willing to do to help.

What about getting more than just your cousin to do a show for you? Have you thought about asking your friends, other relatives etc. etc. to do home shows or help you book other shows?

There are many ways to get busy and stay busy in this world of making candles and soap etc.. I bet if you put your mind to it you will come up with more ideas, and realize that your "hard work" wasn't all that hard after all.. hustle hustle!! :) Good Luck to you!

I have now been in business over a year and have yet to see many sales. August was great for me, but since then I haven't had any website orders or many regular sales in the shops I have my stuff in. I just added candles to my site (soy JJ and Pint square masons). I have added a scent of the month where everything available in that scent is 20% off.

My sil sent my newsletter on to 18 or so of her friends, so I am hoping that will at least get them looking. My cousin is holding a party for me, but that isn't until November. I would like to get some sales to pay off what I have bought and have the money to buy more so I can have some cash and carry on hand.

I guess I am just frustrated. I have worked so hard in the past year (I am sure I could have worked harder), that i want to see some fruits from my labor!


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I'm in the weeds. My accounts have doubled their orders for fall and holiday sales and I had lots of reorders this summer, unusual. Are you checking in with your accounts. I also have quite a private following. It does take time. Send samples with every order, it works like a charm.

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Thanks for the tips, everyone. I really could do more advertising, I want to get an ad in the local classifieds, plus get my products out there.

I will be approaching more people about doing parties. Unfortunately, I do not have the time or money to do craft shows right now (3 little boys), but maybe in the future. I am not giving up yet, just trying to get it going a bit more!


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Have any of you gone to like industrial office parks and went to each office and like dropped of a tealight or two or lipbalm or soap with your card and maybe a flyer?

I am just curious if this has worked for anyone, I have been thinking about it considering it is like the new fade here (office parks) but I don't want to throw away my samples and such if it hasn't shown to work.

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Yes, I would encourage you to be patient and keep plugging away and working hard. It takes a long time to become established, even if you work hard to make a decent product and work at promoting it.

Word of mouth is still the BEST sales tool ever; folks who refer others to you are gold! Hang in there. It sure does take time, but your efforts will pay off and eventually you'll reap the reward. :)

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Honestly, it seems to me that the market is getting more and more saturated, which makes it a little more difficult. However the tips above are great. Continuing to plug away is hard when you're feeling frustrated with sales. But the busy season is coming -- hopefully things will pick up. :)

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The busy season is coming? When? I have no life trying to resupply stock lol!

Heirloom, get out there as much as you can. I think BruceCarvesWax said it best, go where the people are and people are at shows. Party up a storm too. Wouldn't hurt to look at your newspaper for an ad or two. There are inexpensive ways to advertise. Might even see if you've got a feature's editor or someone you could send some product to in hopes that if she likes it, she'll write about you!

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I really feel for ya. I just was informed from my sales reps. that sales are down badly this year and a few stores are struggling to pay their bills. My stores are ordering but not like they used to. One store so far is asking for a 45-60 day extention to pay me...I am rethinking how to handle this particular store. They were my first store and really helped me get my business name out their.. It is going to be tough handling this one.

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We own a General/Rustic Country store in Ellijay, GA--(small town) & business has been worse for us this year than in the previous 5 years. We've had to ask for credit on merchandise we've never had to ask for. The customers just aren't there. The weather was awful this summer & I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. For me I'm struggling with my candles, too. Two other stores in town started carrying Bean Pod & another soy line not to mention the Y***'s & others. So many lines! I think with the weather cooling off & Fall on it's way things will pick up.

Are you in a small town?

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I am in a small town, but there is only one other candle maker that I know of and no one else that sells soap or bath and body any more.

I am going to concentrate on getting my products made and getting my name out there. I am not giving up yet, just was getting down. We have been finishing our house addition and that has taken up some time, but it is nearly finished, so I can concentrate on getting other things done.


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