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Just got a e-mail.It is I am sure legit. It says unauthorized transaction on your account.I click and it give the person's name/address but the address it gives is unauthorized by what the e-mail says.Mentioned click here if you didn't authorize this.Then when I click on that e-mail it says PAY CANNOT BE DISPLAYED.You know those come up all the time.

What should I do?It does give this person's e-mail but don't really want to click on it or should I and see what it says. Or e-mail them.I just afraid to click on it. Probably same thing.No such e-mail

SInce all are helpful and more PayPal Literate than me what can I do?I really think this one is serious.Not like one I got before.

This is about all I keep in my account just to have it.I never have more. Just what I put in when I started so don't us my paypal any.


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I would recommend not clicking on any link that is sent to you like this and entering information. Most of them are NOT legit but are just trying to trick you through wording it differently.

If you think it is legit, then I would recommend getting PayPal's phone number (that you've gotten off of their website, not in an email) and calling them.

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Does it start with your real name, first and last? For starters, real PayPal e-mails will be addressed like this: "Dear John Smith," rather than "Dear PayPal Customer." As the others said, always forward to the spoof @ paypal addy if in doubt. Your e-mail sounds suspiciously like a scam.

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If you have already clicked on the links in the email, I suggest you go straight into the Paypal site and change your password IMMEDIATELY. NEVER, EVER click on any links in your email......ALWAYS go through the Paypal site to check!! :cool2: Even though they look official, like others have said unless they address you by your first and last name, they are a scam.

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You have to be very cautious with emails that address you by name now. I work for a large government agency and there have been instances where people have received these types of emails which address people by their names that have turned out to be bogus.

Yes I am sure there are ways for them to find out your name. Some people make it easy by having email address such as janesmith@hotmail.com. So I guess, best way is still to go to the paypal site on your own and log in, instead of clicking on a link whether or not the email addresses you by name.

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Figures. Stupid people have nothing else to do. I do have a account for my website. So far they mailed payment. Not alot of orders but picking up this year local. Just got a call for a order nearby. Saw my best customer and she wants Halloween and Christmas items. Sending her pics today along with how many in stock.She says her friends tell her my candles are the best.So it is presents for Christmas and October birthdays.

At least I feel safer now.Doggone bull we get on our computers. :angry2:


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If you have already clicked on anything in that email or logged into PayPal from a link within that email go to PayPal immediately and change your password!

Oops ChrisR already said this, but it is that important that it be mentioned at least twice!

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