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Silly double wick question...

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Hey everyone...

I am using a 70/30 blend in a jar that is 4 inches wide. I have tried to single wick this blend, but don't care for the burn with a single wick, so am trying to wrap my mind around double wicking...

I have been double wicking with rrds, and I love the throw, but the candle is reaching full melt pool way faster than it does with a single wick...

So, what I am asking, is do you expect, with 2 wicks in a cotnainer, that the melt pool is going to take half the time as it is two wicks? Or, should you be getting full melt pool in the same amount of time as with one large wick?

One part of me says, "that melt pool is way to fast..." and the other part says..."there is no way you could get this candle to burn with two smaller wicks..."

So...what is the standard here?

Thanks for your help!

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Generally with a double-wick arrangement you'll get to a full melt pool faster than with a single wick. However, it's normal to wick down a size or two (or three or four ..) when you go with a double wick. How many sizes you go down is of course up to you to test and see which works best for you. In my personal experience I do find that a double-wick candle will be consumed faster than a single-wick but that makes basic sense: if you've got two engines pulling from the same fuel tank, you run out of gas faster ;)

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I don't personally do zinc wicks at all anymore. Too many people react poorly to the wire in there and they still think it's lead. Not worth the time trying to explain it, so I go with LX cotton wicks instead.

As for whether 3 hours to a full melt pool in a 4" diameter jar is acceptable, that's up to you and your customer ;)

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