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Bummer order


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Well neighbor ordered 30 candles about 6 weeks ago. Gifts for members of a organization. The 4 ounce jars at Wal Mart are high so I took her to a outlet.NO 4 ounce but I told her I would continue looking and lo and behold I found a jar(bigger) but less money.Told her I found them and wouldn't fill to the 8 ounce but there was a line I could fill but with lid it was pretty and cute.She liked that idea and said she trusts my judgement and didn't need to come over and look at the jar(it was nice).Well did a show yesterday NOV 17.Knocked on her door night before.No answer so slipped a note uner her door telling her to pick them up early that next morning because I had to leave for a show. As I was in my yard her son did come out (heard his voice) and let the dog out.I know they heard me but might have opened door late.Also know they MUST have got the note.She told me party was the 17 of NOV when she order and I kept repeating it.

She did decide on Mistletoe and was going to pick another scent.Finally she did ask me if I had Hollyberry as if interested.Since she is hard to get in touch with I just made the 2 scents with that.Colors were red and green for holidays.NOW I am pretty sure I am Stuck with all these 30 jars, 2 scents that are not sellers(never many holiday candles sell) and pretty jars I love and if knew I could get them would buy all the time for something different.SO I think my final show will be next week.Will take these and put on sale.Have to because the show is not real big and also I don't want Christmas till next year.

Sorry the rant but never again.Mind you we do alot for her and have for many many years.

Now If they would only be in popular scents for year round. The show I am doing I received a couple e-mails from people who attended the first show in that town wanting my candles and also a possible fundraiser.BUT these are Christmas only.

I know lesson learned but would have been a little better if not someone I knew for 25 years,kept up with her on the order and also trusted her.Now I will try to sell but might be party is DEC 17.I gave her a chance and said I think it is tomorrow NOV 17 and need to pick up early that morning.


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well that is just crappy on her part to do that to you, hope you do sell them so you are not stuck with them. maybe you can give few as gifts to other neighbors/friends. Or give a few away just to say thanks for buying. at any rate its never easy but I think its harder when it is someone that you have known for years.

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Wish when I had called and told her I found some cute jars she would have said something.She just said I trust they are fine and will work.All she had to say is I changed my mind and I would have used them for other scents.Even talked to her 2 days later and said I got the Holly Berry like you want also.Nothing.

I guess I will do a cheap ON SALE Christmas candles 2 days after Thanksgiving. HA!!!! That is when my show is. Gotta do something.

Who would think you are approached(went out of her way when she saw me at a show). Plan the order for 6 weeks and then they change their mind. I am sure some kind of lame excuse.Like I never got the note under the door(really what I think it will be) .I am waiting for that. The note went inside to easy and son was out right after I knocked.


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I'm very sorry this happened to you but please understand we've all been burned in this way or something similar. I hate it when people I love and trust burn me where my candles are concerned but I haved learned my lesson. No matter who it is, get the full amount for the order up front in cash and no custom colors or scents!


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As far as I am concerned she can just buy what I have.In fact most of the time I am generous and give her candles.(Not always).I really don't plan on mentioning it to her but will be very very distant. I do some volunteer work with her but still I am in charge and I can ignore.

I have had the shafts put to me way to many times.She knows my husband works alot and it is his money till I can get off the ground but really she is a big troublemaker.She thinks he will be mad at me but it is the opposite.He is ticked at her and cannot believe what she did.


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I have learned to always get full payment upfront for special orders like that. If they really want them they will pay upfront. I have many many private customers that I can count on for payment. I absolutely would mention it to her and let her know.

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