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How to felt over a bar of soap


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Why would one want to felt their soap? Instead of using a washcloth?

That's what I wonder. I have looked at a few tutorials and it looks time consuming. I guess as a special gift it might be worth it, but I can’t imagine anyone willing to pay me for the time it would take to make it. I mean… it’s not like you can reload the wool part with a fresh bar of soap when it’s gone. It looks to me like a novelty item, something one would set out to brag about when company is coming over, but not actually allow anyone to use. Or maybe I only know poor people.

You know… though, the idea of a wool bag that could be used and reloaded with a new bar of soap…

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Yes, it's a novelty item, but I also love the feel of them in the shower. I suck at making them, but I keep trying. There's a gal in town that does nice ones. It's a nice tie in with people who weave - we've got lots around here. I get my rovings from a gal at work who also has an alpaca farm. Maybe I'd have better look with sheep wool lol...

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