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Question before pouring 1st test candle

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My supplies from CS have arrived and I'm planning on pouring my first test candle(s) this weekend.


I'm using 4627 and 8oz jj.

At first I was planning on using 1 fo and pouring 1 candle with 1 wick.

Then I read to pour my first candle without fo.

I also read where some ppl pour several tests (no fo or same fo) with a few different wicks to compare and burn them at the same time to see how different wicks perform.

I am more than happy to do any and all of these....just want to do it the right way.

I have sampler packs of several types of wicks that have been recommended in my wax so I have a variety to choose from.

I'm rather interested in seeing both the good and the bad so I can learn (apparently I'll see a lot of the bad lol)

Anyhow what is the most recommended way to proceed?

Also, one thing I haven't really read much about in all the "how to's" is how to clean up afterwards (pour pot, spoon, etc.)

Thanks everyone for sharing all of your advice and experience!!!!


ps I am sooo excited lol

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Also, one thing I haven't really read much about in all the "how to's" is how to clean up afterwards (pour pot, spoon, etc.)

I've bought the 4 pack of wooden spoons from the dollar tree and it one time for each wax/color/fo combo....since they are cheap i've bought a bunch of them.

Clean up, make a phone call to your local paper mill and place a huge order for paper towels :D Yup you will go through a lot of them. I use them to wipe out my pour pot right after i pour, wipe out the presto pot after i'm done with my wax, and i line my cookie sheet when i put my molds and such in the oven

Clean up of molds and the pour pot, i put them in the oven at 185 for roughly 20 minutes (depends on the amount of wax left) so that it melts off and usually runs onto the paper towels. then use paper towels to wipe out the remnents.

I've also bought lots of hand towels and a few bath towels from the dollar tree as well (cheap therefore disposable) I put one hand towel under the presto pot to catch drips from the spout and when i bull a brain fart and forget to close the spout. I put the bath towels under my cookie sheet where i set my molds for pouring, and one on the floor under where the spout of the presto pot is to catch drips....

That's my clean up, my wife thanks me for not coloring her floor and over :laugh2:

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Pour your testers exactly as you want the end product to be. Use the same containers. There's no point in pouring without scent unless you plan to make unscented candles.

Start with a basic supplier recommendation. If you aren't happy with the burn or scent throw, adjust accordingly for your next tester.

Soon, you will have a feel for your wicks and fo percentages. Until then, you're really stabbing in the dark. You can certainly pour several testers using different wicks and different fo %'s, but imo, that's just a waste of wax, wicks, and fo. Take your time and keep good notes. Life isn't so short that you have to pour a bunch of testers and waste all that product.

I use toilet paper to clean my whisks and pour pots. If you clean while everything is still hot, it should clean readily.

IMO, you are using the best wax available. If you don't get a good scent throw with 4627, you've probably got a weak fo. That's just my opinion; some don't care for 4627.

When I started with 4627, I started with HTP wicks. They work great in 4627. They don't mushroom all over the place and drop crap into your melt pool. For an 8 oz JJ, I would start with HTP 73, 8% fo load. Because of the shape of jj's, you might get a bit of hangup on the first couple of burns, but it should ultimately catch up. If it doesn't, move up to HTP 83. A really heavy fo might even need larger than 83.

Keep in mind ambient burning conditions will affect your result. If you keep your house cold, a larger wick will most likely be required. You will generally have to use a larger wick in winter. Everything from humidity to temperature to waxing and waning of the moon will affect your burn.

For blow-your-doors off scent, might I suggest you try fo from Tennessee Candle Supply.


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I agree to make your candle with FO, if you have just wax it is going to burn differently once you get the FO in/color in.

Clean up I use paper towels and wipe the pour pot out asap after each use. When totally done wipe clean as possible then use soap and water. For stiring I use plastic spoons that I can toss after each use if the scents are differnt.

4627 does have a good throw, just very sticky and messy IMO

good luck and have fun cant wait to hear how your 1st pour and candle burns how exciting

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If you get a daily newspaper like we do, there will never be any need for the recycle center!! I line my counter with newspaper, keep newspaper on floor next to counter where presto pots are. I buy cheap paper towels from dollar store and like the others have said, wipe out presto, pour pots, etc as soon as you get through pouring. I also like to keep mold cleaner handy. Instead of washing with soap and water, I use paraffin, I will put mold cleaner on paper towel and wipe out things that have a scent that linger. I also use mold cleaner for cleaning my molds. It is handy to keep the unscented baby wipes around, they are great for cleaning your jar after pouring. I use the stir sticks I ordered when I first began making candles 4 years ago. I ordered a bunch of them and they have lasted. I also wipe them off and they can be used more than once.

As you make them you will come up with all kind of handy things to keep around for working with. I have a presto griddle that I would be lost without. I turn molds upside down to clean them out and also keep pour pots on it so they will stay warm. Also keeps your wax warm if you have to stop for any reason.

For testing I would just decide the jar I wanted to use and then use the recommended wick for that jar and wax. Candlescience has a good wick guide you can check out. You select wax you are using and size container and they give you their suggested wick. You may need to adjust a little but that is a good starting point. hth

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A heat gun makes cleanup go a LOT more quickly. :wink2:

Using a silicon spatula to scrape out softened wax saves a few hundred thousand paper towels.

Save wax snibbles and scraps in zip-lok bags or paper dixie cups. There are LOTS of "scrap wax" projects so no need to fragrance your garbage with loaded paper towels and snibbles.

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